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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

During an assessment interview, a client reveals they are nonbinary. Which action is the most important one for the nurse to take when working with this client?
  1. Self-assess personal attitudes toward nonbinary individuals
  2. Review the client’s childhood history for possible sexual abuse
  3. Encourage discussion of the client’s aversion to heterosexual relationships
  4. Explore the client’s family history of gender identity
The nurse is describing the intended effect of estrogen therapy to a client who is undergoing male-to-female transition. Which statement by the client indicates understanding?
  1. “Estrogen will increase my libido.”
  2. “Estrogen will increase my muscles.”
  3. “Estrogen will start increasing my breast growth.”
  4. “Estrogen will cause my voice to sound higher.”
The nurse in a clinic for transgender individuals is assessing a client transitioning from female to male who is to begin testosterone therapy. Which condition would allow the client to begin taking testosterone, although with caution?
  1. Pregnancy
  2. Hyperlipidemia
  3. Endometrial cancer
  4. Estrogen receptor–sensitive breast cancer
The nurse is assessing a client who wants to undergo male-to-female transition hormonal therapy with spironolactone. Which client condition should the nurse explore further?
  1. Overweight
  2. Depression
  3. Hypertension
  4. Asthma
A client undergoing MTF transition has been prescribed the antiandrogen medication spironolactone. Which statement by the client indicates understanding of the adverse effects?
  1. “I may notice my voice is getting deeper.”
  2. “I should report any irregular heart rhythm and muscle cramps.”
  3. “This drug may cause facial hair growth.”
  4. “I need to eat foods high in potassium.”
A male client is on finasteride therapy. He has a teenage daughter who lives with him. Which statement by the client indicates a need for more teaching?
  1. “It’s OK for my daughter to put this medication in my pill box.”
  2. “This drug won’t cause problems with anything I eat.”
  3. “This medication will help increase my breast size.”
  4. “My sex drive will likely decrease with this medication.”
A transgender client comes to the clinic to start initial FTM-transition hormone therapy with testosterone. Which laboratory test does the nurse recognize as being the most important one to do before starting therapy?
  1. Pregnancy test
  2. Hematocrit
  3. Triglyceride level
  4. Liver enzyme levels
The nurse caring for a client transitioning from female to male who has not undergone gender-affirming surgery teaches the client about maintaining regular health care checks. Which statement is correct to include?
  1. The client can base the physical exam on their perceived gender.
  2. The nurse should recommend cervical and breast cancer screening.
  3. Regular prostate screenings need to be scheduled after age 40.
  4. Annual testing for HIV should be done.
An 18-year-old male comes to a transgender clinic. The client says they feel like a woman and have thought about transitioning gender but are still uncertain. The nurse expects which hormone would be the most appropriate for this client?
  1. Estrogen
  2. Prolactin
  3. Testosterone
  4. Spironolactone
A client transitioning from female to male is taking an androgen, and the nurse is concerned that one of their current medications may need to have the dosage adjusted. Which medication is the nurse most likely concerned about?
  1. Metoprolol
  2. Insulin
  3. Estrogen
  4. Bupropion

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