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abuse deterrence
a drug designed to reduce the ability to abuse a substance
uncontrolled use of a substance or behavior despite known harms
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
talk therapy designed to evaluate and change thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
delirium tremens
a psychotic state that occurs during alcohol withdrawal, causing tremors, hallucinations, anxiety, and confusion
direct observed therapy
treatment in which clients receive medication directly from health care providers who observe them taking it
when a response to a stimulus is reduced or suppressed
the substance-specific physiologic effects that occur after exposure to a psychoactive substance
physical dependence
the homeostatic adaptation that occurs when the body is exposed to substances over a prolonged period
psychological dependence
the cognitive and behavioral adaptations that occur when the body is exposed to substances chronically
substance use disorder (SUD)
patterns of symptoms caused by using a substance that an individual continues taking despite negative effects
the decrease in response to a drug after continuous use
physiologic and psychological consequences of discontinuation or reversal of a substance

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