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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

A nurse is evaluating a client in the emergency department, who states that they take oxycodone chronically for cancer-related pain but forgot their medication at home while on vacation. The client is experiencing severe pain, diarrhea, piloerection, sweating, and malaise. Which of the following phenomena should the nurse tell the client they are experiencing?
  1. Substance abuse
  2. Tolerance
  3. Withdrawal
  4. Psychological dependence
A nurse is talking with a client at a primary care office, and the client states that they normally smoke a half pack of cigarettes per day but have recently stopped smoking abruptly. The client states they are physically fine, but they frequently find themselves thinking about smoking again and experiencing intense cravings to smoke another cigarette. Which of the following phenomena should the nurse tell the client they are experiencing?
  1. Intoxication
  2. Tolerance
  3. Physical dependence
  4. Psychological dependence
What is the primary purpose of the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol-Revised (CIWA-Ar) assessment instrument?
  1. Estimate the client’s alcohol consumption
  2. Manage withdrawal symptoms
  3. Assess for system disorders related to alcohol intake
  4. Plan outpatient behavioral therapy
A client is brought to the emergency department via emergency services after being found in their car unresponsive to any stimuli. The nurse evaluating the client notices that they have slow, shallow breathing, are unresponsive to painful stimuli, and have pinpoint pupils. Which medication does the nurse anticipate the provider will prescribe for this client?
  1. Naloxone
  2. Chlordiazepoxide
  3. Methadone
  4. Disulfiram
A nurse is evaluating a client for treatment of their opioid use disorder. They have a history of intravenous use of agents such as oxycodone and heroin. Which medication is the prescriber most likely to order to deter intravenous abuse of the medication?
  1. Methadone
  2. Lorazepam
  3. Buprenorphine-naloxone
  4. Chlordiazepoxide
A nurse is educating a client with an opioid use disorder and their parent about how to recognize the signs and symptoms of opioid overdose and when to administer naloxone. Which of the following statements should the nurse make?
  1. “After giving naloxone, call emergency services immediately.”
  2. “Naloxone will last 2–3 hours.”
  3. “Naloxone has no adverse effects.”
  4. “Naloxone may induce seizures.”
A nurse is collaborating with a client with a known alcohol use disorder who has recently been prescribed disulfiram. Which clinical effect should the nurse educate the client about if they decide to consume alcohol?
  1. CNS depression
  2. Flushing
  3. Withdrawal
  4. Seizures
A client is being admitted to the hospital for pancreatitis, and the nurse managing the client learns that the client has a previously undisclosed alcohol use disorder and has been without any alcohol for the past 2 days. Which of the following withdrawal effects would the nurse expect this client to develop?
  1. Respiratory depression
  2. CNS depression
  3. Facial flushing
  4. Seizures
A client is starting nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for their nicotine use disorder. The nurse educating the client about the medication should make which of the following points?
  1. “If a child consumes any type of NRT, it should not cause any problems.”
  2. “NRT can make you sleepy, so no driving a car while using it.”
  3. “You should stop the NRT if you begin using tobacco again.”
  4. “NRT therapy will prevent tobacco products from working as well if you relapse.”
A client is being evaluated for therapy for their nicotine use disorder. The nurse notes in their history that the client has been diagnosed with a major depressive disorder but is not currently receiving any treatment for that condition. Which of the medications used for smoking cessation would the nurse anticipate the prescribing provider will initiate to both treat the client’s depression and help with smoking cessation?
  1. Bupropion
  2. Varenicline
  3. Naltrexone
  4. Chlordiazepoxide

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