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This chapter focused on defining the various aspects of substance use disorders and ways to manage three of the most common substance use disorders in the world today. Substance use and abuse were described in terms of the short-term effects of intoxication as well as more long-term effects such as physical dependence, tolerance, and withdrawal. Emphasis was placed on how the presence of things like tolerance and physical dependence does not always mean a client has a substance use disorder.

Drug classifications covered in this chapter focused on medications to treat opioid, alcohol, and nicotine use disorders. Medications used to treat opioid use disorders included agents to minimize withdrawal effects or to prevent opioid effects should a client relapse. Naloxone, the major opioid reversal agent, was also discussed, along with how important it is for clients to have ready access to this in case of overdose. Medications for alcohol use disorders included agents to minimize the withdrawal effects of alcohol. Also addressed was how alcohol withdrawal can be potentially fatal and should be treated as a medical emergency. Agents to aid success in smoking cessation were covered, including bupropion, which blunts cravings by affecting the reward center in the brain, and nicotine replacement therapies such as gums, patches, and inhalers.


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