18 • Summary of Reactions
18 • Summary of Reactions
- Synthesis of ethers (Section 18.2)
- Williamson ether synthesis
- Alkoxymercuration/demercuration
- Williamson ether synthesis
- Reactions of ethers
- Cleavage by HBr or HI (Section 18.3)
- Acid-catalyzed epoxide opening (Section 18.5)
- Base-catalyzed epoxide opening (Section 18.5)
- Cleavage by HBr or HI (Section 18.3)
- Synthesis of thiols (Section 18.7)
- Oxidation of thiols to disulfides (Section 18.7)
- Synthesis of sulfides (Section 18.7)
- Oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides and sulfones (Section 18.7)