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Nutrition for Nurses

Review Questions

Nutrition for NursesReview Questions

The nurse is providing dietary instruction to a client who is in the first trimester of pregnancy. Consuming which of the following foods should the client prioritize to facilitate fetal neurological development?
  1. Apples and grapes
  2. Whole wheat bread
  3. Fruit juice
  4. Chicken and lentils
A 54-year-old client, recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, presents to the clinic for a follow-up appointment The client asks the nurse if there is any special diet that might help their symptoms. The nurse advises which diet as an option for the client to discuss with the neurologist?
  1. Mediterranean diet
  2. DASH diet
  3. Ketogenic diet
  4. Diabetic diet
A client is prescribed phenytoin for epilepsy. Which of the following nutritional deficiencies is the client at risk for?
  1. Vitamin D deficiency
  2. Iron deficiency
  3. Hypoglycemia
  4. Hypercalcemia
A 15-year-old client has decided to try a vegetarian diet. Which of the following nutritional deficiencies is this client at risk for developing?
  1. Vitamin C
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids
  3. Calcium
  4. Potassium
The patient care technician is assisting a client with Parkinson’s disease during mealtime and reports the client began to drool and cough while eating. Which action is the most appropriate from the nurse?
  1. Perform a bedside swallow evaluation.
  2. Tell the patient care technician to watch the client carefully for the rest of the meal.
  3. Show the patient care technician how to suction the mouth orally.
  4. Place a nutrition consult for tomorrow morning to initiate tube feedings.
The nurse is educating a client’s family about the addition of polyphenols to the client’s diet. Which foods should be recommended by the nurse?
  1. Chicken
  2. Fish
  3. Whole-fat milk
  4. Spinach
A client diagnosed with epilepsy asks the nurse if nutritional changes could potentially help control their seizures. Which diet would the nurse tell the client about?
  1. DASH diet
  2. Ketogenic diet
  3. Mediterranean diet
  4. Vegetarian diet
The nurse is educating a client who is breastfeeding about maternal dietary habits that can promote the infant’s health. Which of the following statements by the client indicates the need for additional instruction?
  1. “I will be sure to eat some leafy green vegetables.”
  2. “I will drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.”
  3. “I need to eat fewer carbohydrates.”
  4. “I need to eat 300–400 extra calories each day.”
A diet rich in flavonoids, which are found in tea, red wine, certain fruits, and vegetables is often recommended in neurodegenerative conditions, due to which of the following benefit of flavonoids?
  1. Antioxidant effect
  2. They cross the placental barrier.
  3. They cross the blood-brain barrier.
  4. Anticoagulant effect
The nurse is providing discharge instructions to a client who has been prescribed an antidepressant. What nutritional recommendations are appropriate for this client?
  1. Drink a glass of orange juice when taking your medication.
  2. Eat a high-fiber meal when taking your medication.
  3. Switch to a high-carbohydrate diet to decrease the risk for weight loss.
  4. Follow a balanced diet to decrease the risk for weight gain.

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