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Nutrition for Nurses

Review Questions

Nutrition for NursesReview Questions

The nurse is caring for a client who had a stroke 2 days ago and is experiencing continued dysphagia. Which of the following nutritional therapies will likely be prescribed?
  1. Nothing by mouth until the dysphagia subsides
  2. Supplements given via a nasogastric tube
  3. Initiation of total parenteral nutrition
  4. Initiation of a soft diet
A client admitted with traumatic brain injury develops syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). The nurse should prioritize which intervention to improve the client’s nutritional status?
  1. Infuse intravenous fluids rapidly.
  2. Perform a dysphagia screen.
  3. Restrict fluids.
  4. Check the client’s blood glucose level.
The nurse is caring for a client who is in the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease. The client and family inquire about meal choices. Which food choice would be most appropriate for the nurse to discuss with the client?
  1. Colored berries
  2. Fried fish
  3. Margarine
  4. Zero-calorie sweeteners
A client with multiple sclerosis asks the nurse about the best foods to fight fatigue and enhance nerve cell conduction. Which food choices would be appropriate for this client?
  1. Nuts, seeds, and salmon
  2. Cheese, milk, and margarine
  3. Lean red meats, potatoes, and white bread
  4. Eggs, lamb, and zero-calorie beverages
A child is diagnosed with epilepsy and is being seen for intractable seizures. Which diet(s) would the interprofessional team potentially recommend?
  1. Mediterranean diet
  2. Ketogenic diet
  3. DASH diet
  4. Vegan diet
A 67-year-old woman presents to the urgent care center with a headache and dizziness following a 5-mile running event for charity. Which of the following findings would be most concerning?
  1. Seizure history
  2. Limited fluid intake
  3. History of kidney stones
  4. Recent vaccination for influenza
A client asks the nurse about taking supplements for improving memory. Which would be the nurse’s best response?
  1. “You should start taking fish oil immediately to improve blood flow to your brain.”
  2. “You should start taking a potassium supplement because this will help with nerve conduction.”
  3. “You should start taking zinc because this will help regenerate myelin to help your nervous system.”
  4. “You should review the content of your current diet with the nutritionist.”
A client with Parkinson’s disease asks the nurse about possible benefits of intermittent fasting. Which reply would be appropriate?
  1. “There is no clear evidence of a benefit of intermittent fasting with your condition.”
  2. “Although evidence supports a benefit in people with epilepsy, there is no clear evidence of a benefit with Parkinson disorder.”
  3. “Yes, there is. Let’s talk with your health care provider to see if this is right for you.”
  4. “You will need to discuss this issue with your health care provider.”
What is the recommendation for daily omega-3 fatty acid intake for a 52-year-old adult?
  1. 0.5–1 mg
  2. 1.1–1.6 mcg
  3. 1.1–1.6 g
  4. The daily recommendation is not yet established.
Nutrition can impact the development of neurofibrillary tangles that are found in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Which of the following provides structural strength to microtubules in the neuron?
  1. Beta-amyloid
  2. Amyloid precursor protein
  3. Tau protein
  4. Microglia

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