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Nutrition for Nurses

Review Questions

Nutrition for NursesReview Questions

The nurse is caring for a client with a small bowel obstruction. The client asks why they are experiencing vomiting of stool. What response by the nurse is appropriate?
  1. The gastrointestinal tract is one long tube, so a blockage will cause contents to move backward.
  2. The pyloric valve prevents stool from flowing into the stomach when the intestines are blocked.
  3. Peristaltic movement prevents the backflow of contents when the intestines are blocked.
  4. Obstruction of the small bowel will not cause vomiting of stool.
The nurse is assessing a client who has flatus. What finding would the nurse expect to assess in this client?
  1. Scaphoid abdomen
  2. Jaundice of the abdomen
  3. Tympany on percussion
  4. Dullness on percussion
The nurse is assessing a 3-year-old client who has been brought in by their parents due to refusal to eat and seems to choke on fluids easily. The nurse assesses that the client has uncontrolled drooling, is hyperthermic, and has a very muffled cry. What precaution should the nurse take when assessing the gastrointestinal system of this client?
  1. Avoid use of tongue blade/depressor.
  2. Avoid deep palpation of the abdomen.
  3. Avoid percussion of the abdomen.
  4. Avoid assessment of liver margins.
The nurse is educating a client on the normal function of the digestive system. The nurse teaches the client that which organ is responsible for the most water absorption?
  1. Esophagus
  2. Stomach
  3. Small intestine
  4. Large intestine
The nurse is caring for a client with lower gastrointestinal bleeding. What test would the nurse anticipate being ordered for this client?
  1. Comprehensive metabolic panel
  2. Guaiac test
  3. Ovum and parasite stool test
  4. White blood cell count
The nurse is assessing the nutritional status of a healthy older client. Which finding would the nurse anticipate in this client?
  1. Decreased stomach size
  2. Decreased vitamin B12 absorption
  3. Increased esophageal motility
  4. Increased diarrhea
The nurse is educating a client on gut homeostasis. Which instruction would the nurse give the client?
  1. Reduce intake of palm oil.
  2. Increase sodium intake.
  3. Limit fluids.
  4. Reduce fiber intake.
The nurse is caring for a client on long-term antibiotic therapy. Which food should the nurse recommend the client include in the diet to maintain gut homeostasis?
  1. Fish
  2. Yogurt
  3. Broccoli
  4. Carrots
The nurse is caring for a client taking multiple medications. Which should the nurse teach as supportive to the microbiome of the gut?
  1. Gentamycin
  2. Pantoprazole
  3. Lactobacillus
  4. Lovastatin
The nurse is caring for a client with multiple health problems. Which finding in the client’s history supports the client’s gut homeostasis?
  1. Metformin use for type 2 diabetes
  2. Increased intake of saturated fats
  3. Regular use of laxatives
  4. High intake of whole grains

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