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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Review Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
The nurse provides discharge instructions to a parent about umbilical cord care. What statement by the parent indicates effective health teaching?
  1. “My child can have a tub bath every day.”
  2. “I will clean the stump with antiseptics daily.”
  3. “Water and soap can be used if the stump is dirty.”
  4. “I need to apply an antibiotic ointment every day.”
2 .
When teaching umbilical cord care to a new parent, the nurse would include which information?
  1. Apply peroxide to the cord with each diaper change.
  2. Cover the cord with petroleum jelly after bathing.
  3. Keep the cord dry and open to air.
  4. Wash the cord with soap and water each day during a tub bath.
3 .
A home health nurse visits a 2-week-old infant and observes the umbilical cord has dried and fallen off. The area appears healed with no drainage or erythema present. Given these assessment findings, what instruction should the nurse give the parent?
  1. cover the umbilicus with a band-aid
  2. continue to clean the stump with alcohol for 1 week
  3. apply an antibiotic ointment to the stump
  4. give the baby a bath in an infant tub now
4 .
A 24-hour-old newborn male was circumcised 20 minutes ago. The nurse is doing 15-minute checks of the circumcision site. It appears that the newborn has had a bowel movement as meconium is leaking from the diaper leg. He is not crying and has just soothed from the last diaper check. What should the nurse do?
  1. Wait an additional 10 minutes until the next circumcision check is due to change his diaper because he is comfortable and not crying. If he starts to fuss, then change him. Keep checks at times scheduled.
  2. Change him immediately, regardless of how long it has been since his last circumcision check and use packaged wipes to be sure to get the meconium completely off the circumcision site. Keep checks at scheduled times.
  3. Change him now, trying not to disturb him, using only water (and soap as needed) to clean the meconium. Change the dressing at the circumcision site and resume checks in 15 minutes.
  4. Change him now, trying not to disturb him, using only water (and soap as needed) to clean the meconium. Do not change the dressing at the circumcision site until the next circumcision check, which is due in 10 minutes, and then continuing checks at times scheduled.
5 .
What directional order best describes the body progression of jaundice in the newborn infant?
  1. feet, legs, body, face, head
  2. abdomen, extremities, face, head
  3. face, chest, abdomen, arms, legs
  4. chest, face, head, abdomen, arms
6 .
What newborn blood test determines blood type and testing for Rh incompatibility?
  1. direct bilirubin level
  2. indirect bilirubin level
  3. RBC count with type and cross match
  4. Coombs test
7 .
Treatment of neonatal jaundice depends on what factors? Select all that apply.
  1. degree of jaundice
  2. bilirubin level
  3. age and weight of infant
  4. when jaundice began
8 .
Transient dermatologic conditions are common in newborns. What is the term for temporary, tiny white bumps or cysts on the newborn’s skin, usually on the face around the cheek, nose, or chin area?
  1. newborn acne
  2. milia
  3. pustular melanosis
  4. erythema toxicum
9 .
What is the term for a common and harmless skin condition on an infant’s scalp that presents as yellow scaly patches with a red rash?
  1. erythema toxicum
  2. eczema
  3. a skin allergy
  4. cradle cap
10 .
Parents and caregivers are strongly advised by health-care providers NOT to give their newborns aspirin for fever or pain. What is the reason for this advice?
  1. Aspirin is too strong and will cause severe stomach upset or damage to their immature digestive system.
  2. Aspirin is not made in a liquid form, making it impossible for infants to take.
  3. Aspirin is linked to Reye syndrome, which is a potentially fatal condition for infants.
  4. Aspirin is a blood thinner and may cause intracranial bleeding due to the infant’s recent birth.
11 .
What is acrocyanosis in the newborn?
  1. a mildly blue or purple color of the hands and feet when the newborn is cold
  2. a common occurrence in the first few weeks of life
  3. a bluish-gray coloring around the nose and mouth in the first few hours of life as the newborn adjusts to extrauterine circulation.
  4. a bluish color to the infant’s face when the infant is resting quietly, which lasts throughout most of the first day after birth
12 .
A postpartum nurse is giving guidance to a mother whose breast-fed newborn is experiencing hyperbilirubinemia. What are the best instructions for the nurse to give the mother in this case?
  1. It is best for the infant if she stops breast-feeding and switches to bottle-feeding permanently.
  2. The mother should switch to bottle-feeding until the baby’s bilirubin returns to normal range.
  3. The mother should alternate breast-feeding and bottle-feeding to ensure adequate fluid intake, until the baby’s bilirubin returns to normal range.
  4. The mother should continue to breast-feed the infant every 2 to 3 hours or more frequently as tolerated (every 2 hours if under phototherapy).
13 .
The nurse is aware that a newborn with a mother who has diabetes is at risk for what complication?
  1. anemia
  2. microcephaly
  3. hypoglycemia
  4. SGA
14 .
A patient with blood group AB, whose husband has blood group O, has recently given birth. What is the main complication or test result to watch for in the newborn concerning ABO incompatibility?
  1. negative Coombs test
  2. bleeding from the nose and ear
  3. jaundice after the first 24 hours of life
  4. jaundice within the first 24 hours of life
15 .
A postpartum nurse is teaching umbilical cord care to new parents as part of discharge teaching. The nurse would be sure to include which information in her teaching?
  1. Apply rubbing alcohol to the cord with each diaper change to help it dry out.
  2. Cover the cord with bacitracin after bathing to prevent infection.
  3. Keep the cord dry and open to the air.
  4. Wash the cord with soap and water each day during a tub bath.
16 .
When educating the parents of a newborn about newborn positions, patterns, and cues, what statement by the mother confirms that more teaching is needed?
  1. “When my baby is sleepy, he may yawn or rub his eyes.”
  2. “My baby may start looking away or ignoring us when she is overstimulated or sleepy.”
  3. “Crying or fussing happens when I don’t pick up on her other sleep cues.”
  4. “My baby will fuss, get irritable, or cry inconsolably when he is starting to get sleepy.”
17 .
The average newborn sleeps how many hours in a 24-hour period?
  1. 16–17 hours
  2. 10–15 hours
  3. 12–13 hours
  4. 8–12 hours
18 .
A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a parent on preventing SIDS. What action by the parent signifies that they have effectively grasped what has been taught?
  1. The parent wraps the baby in layers of blankets.
  2. The parent puts several stuffed animals in the baby’s crib.
  3. The parent places the infant on the infant’s back to sleep.
  4. The parent sleeps or shares a bed with the infant.
19 .
Which infant is at the greatest risk for SIDS?
  1. an infant between 1 and 4 months of age
  2. a post-date neonate
  3. a baby 6 to 12 months of age
  4. a baby 4 to 6 months of age
20 .
When traveling in a car, where are infants the safest?
  1. in an approved safety seat secured properly, either rear or forward facing
  2. in a child safety-approved car seat that they can grow into, with pillow supports for their head
  3. in an infant car seat, safely secured, in the car’s front or rear seat
  4. in a rear-facing, safety-approved infant car seat, located in the middle of the back seat of the car
21 .
When giving a newborn a bath, what is a concern for the nurse (or caregiver)?
  1. hyperbilirubinemia
  2. hypoglycemia
  3. thermoregulation
  4. contact dermatitis
22 .
During discharge teaching, the parents ask the nurse which type of thermometer is the most accurate to take their newborn’s temperature. What is the nurse’s best reply to this question?
  1. a tympanic thermometer
  2. a glass rectal thermometer (mercury)
  3. a digital axillary thermometer
  4. a digital rectal thermometer
23 .
What is a routine health provider visiting schedule for a newborn in their first year of life, beginning at 1 month of age?
  1. 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months of age
  2. 1 month to 12 months, visiting once each month
  3. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months
  4. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months

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