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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Review Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
What type of dystocia occurs when the fetal head is unable to navigate through the pelvis?
  1. uterine dystocia
  2. fetal dystocia
  3. pelvic dystocia
  4. contraction dystocia
2 .
What type of dystocia should the nurse prepare for if she palpates prominent ischial spines during the vaginal exam?
  1. pelvic dystocia
  2. fetal dystocia
  3. contraction dystocia
  4. uterine dystocia
3 .
What pregnant person is at high risk for labor dystocia?
  1. 38-week gestation
  2. 41-year-old
  3. prenatal anemia
  4. no prenatal care
4 .
The nurse is caring for a pregnant person who was in a motor vehicle accident when she was younger and broke a bone in her pelvis. For what complication should the nurse be prepared?
  1. fetal dystocia
  2. pelvic dystocia
  3. uterine dystocia
  4. age dystocia
5 .
What Bishop score describes the most favorable cervix?
  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 8
6 .
What is a possible complication of uterine tachysystole?
  1. Category I fetal heart rate tracing
  2. placenta previa
  3. fetal hypoxia
  4. prolapsed cord
7 .
What can amniotomy cause?
  1. six-hour decrease of labor
  2. chorioamnionitis
  3. elevated blood pressure
  4. second stage labor dystocia
8 .
What medication is used for cervical ripening?
  1. amniotomy
  2. Hemabate
  3. misoprostol
  4. progesterone
9 .
How often is oxytocin usually increased for induction or augmentation of labor?
  1. every 10 minutes
  2. every 30 minutes
  3. every 60 minutes
  4. every 90 minutes
10 .
What is a potential complication for the neonate due to precipitous labor?
  1. respiratory distress
  2. low birth weight
  3. prelabor rupture of membranes
  4. placenta previa
11 .
What nursing intervention is performed during labor for a person with preeclampsia?
  1. Assess deep tendon reflexes for hyperreflexia.
  2. Provide frequent IV fluid boluses.
  3. Educate the laboring person that preeclampsia is only a concern for pregnancy, not labor.
  4. Discourage pain medication in order to assess for headache.
12 .
What is a condition in which there is an excessive amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus?
  1. amniotic fluid embolism
  2. gestational diabetes
  3. oligohydramnios
  4. polyhydramnios
13 .
What is a possible complication of oligohydramnios?
  1. fetal macrosomia
  2. preterm labor
  3. placenta previa
  4. fetal growth restriction
14 .
What medication should the nurse anticipate administering when caring for a person with preeclampsia in labor?
  1. ampicillin
  2. magnesium sulfate
  3. nalbuphine hydrocholoride (Nubain)
  4. sodium bicarbonate
15 .
What is a potential sign of intrauterine fetal demise?
  1. increased fetal heart rate
  2. vaginal bleeding
  3. decreased or absent fetal movement
  4. macrosomia
16 .
What is a potential complication when the fetus is footling breech?
  1. prolapsed cord
  2. oligohydramnios
  3. low biophysical profile score
  4. meconium-stained fluid
17 .
Gestational diabetes increases what complication of labor?
  1. breech
  2. macrosomia
  3. postterm birth
  4. precipitous birth
18 .
Multiple gestation can lead to what labor complication?
  1. tachysystole
  2. postterm birth
  3. uterine dystocia
  4. early declarations
19 .
With what is malnutrition during pregnancy associated?
  1. fetal growth restriction
  2. fetal macrosomia
  3. group B strep
  4. precipitous birth
20 .
What newborn complication does type 1 diabetes mellitus cause?
  1. hyperglycemia
  2. umbilical hernia
  3. hypoglycemia
  4. cyanosis
21 .
With what has maternal hypertension been associated?
  1. anorexia
  2. low birth weight
  3. macrosomia
  4. symphysis pubis dysfunction
22 .
What is one potential fetal complication of using obstetric forceps?
  1. flexion of the head
  2. abdominal complications
  3. skull fracture
  4. femur fracture
23 .
What is one potential fetal complication of using the vacuum extractor?
  1. cephalohematoma
  2. face presentation
  3. fetal growth restriction
  4. scalp fracture
24 .
What is a common reason for cesarean birth?
  1. cephalic presentation
  2. laboring person’s BMI of 23
  3. labor dystocia
  4. lack of adequate pain control
25 .
What condition is related to an increased risk for fetal demise?
  1. diabetes
  2. migraine headache
  3. spina bifida
  4. thyroid disorder
26 .
Why is multiple gestation is a risk factor for cesarean delivery?
  1. cord prolapse
  2. increased pain in labor
  3. inability to push
  4. twins in cephalic-cephalic presentation
27 .
What is the condition where the umbilical cord vessels cross the cervix?
  1. placenta previa
  2. placenta cervix
  3. velamentous insertion
  4. vasa previa
28 .
What is the condition in which the umbilical cord vessels branch prior to insertion into the placenta?
  1. placenta previa
  2. placenta cervix
  3. velamentous insertion
  4. vasa previa
29 .
What is a sign of fetal distress?
  1. prolonged moderate variability
  2. accelerations
  3. repetitive late decelerations
  4. variable decelerations
30 .

Shoulder dystocia is difficult to predict. What are thought to be predictors for shoulder dystocia? Select all that apply.

  1. estimated birth weight of 4,000 g
  2. gestational diabetes
  3. previous shoulder dystocia
  4. oligohydramnios
  5. hypertension
  6. preterm delivery
31 .
How soon should delivery of the fetus occur when a Category III FHR tracing is diagnosed?
  1. 15 minutes
  2. 30 minutes
  3. 45 minutes
  4. 60 minutes
32 .
What is a complication of uterine rupture?
  1. DIC
  2. nuchal cord
  3. polyhydramnios
  4. oligohydramnios
33 .
What is the nursing intervention for prolapsed cord?
  1. Turn the person to the side.
  2. Give the person oxygen.
  3. Lift the presenting part off the cord.
  4. Increase the oxytocin.
34 .
At what point is the second stage considered prolonged for a nulliparous laboring person?
  1. 1 hour
  2. 2 hours
  3. 3 hours
  4. 4 hours
35 .
What is a potential risk associated with prolonged second stage labor?
  1. decreased risk of instrumental delivery
  2. decreased risk of cesarean birth
  3. increased risk of fetal distress
  4. increased risk of rapid delivery
36 .
What intervention may be used to manage failure to descend during labor?
  1. administering pain medication
  2. allowing the patient to rest
  3. continuing to push for an extended period of time
  4. using forceps or a vacuum to assist delivery
37 .
The placenta is diagnosed as retained when it is not delivered in what timeframe after the birth of the infant?
  1. 10 minutes
  2. 30 minutes
  3. 1 hour
  4. 2 hours
38 .
In a spontaneous abortion, if bleeding from the retained products of conception cannot be stopped, what is the next course of action?
  1. surgery for a dilation and curettage
  2. surgery for a hysterectomy
  3. administration of magnesium sulfate
  4. administration of calcium gluconate
39 .
What is the most common cause of placenta accreta?
  1. malnutrition
  2. smoking
  3. previous cesarean birth
  4. obesity
40 .
How much blood loss must occur to define the loss as a postpartum hemorrhage?
  1. 250 mL
  2. 500 mL
  3. 750 mL
  4. 1,000 mL
41 .
What medication is administered to treat uterine atony?
  1. ampicillin
  2. nitroglycerine
  3. magnesium sulfate
  4. methylergonovine
42 .
What complication makes uterine inversion an emergency?
  1. shock
  2. pain
  3. retained placenta
  4. hypertension
43 .
Decreased capillary refill, delay in milk production, and diminished peripheral pulses are signs of what complication?
  1. alteration in perfusion
  2. alteration in liver function
  3. alteration in kidney function
  4. alteration in uterine function
44 .
The nurse is caring for a postpartum person after a hemorrhage. How does the nurse monitor for decreased perfusion?
  1. Monitor lochia.
  2. Measure blood loss.
  3. Check temperature.
  4. Monitor 24-hour urine output.
45 .
What condition do restlessness, cyanosis, nasal flaring, orthopnea, and use of accessory muscles indicate?
  1. liver failure
  2. alteration in oxygenation
  3. preeclampsia
  4. gestational diabetes
46 .
The nurse will monitor for aspiration, thought processes, and improved mobility after which complication?
  1. neurologic dysfunction
  2. kidney failure
  3. gestational diabetes
  4. postpartum hemorrhage
47 .
What complications can cocaine and methamphetamine use in pregnancy cause?
  1. seizures
  2. hypotonic contractions
  3. prolonged second stage labor
  4. prolonged first stage labor

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