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process of replacing amniotic fluid by adding fluid back to the uterus
anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy (ASP)
(also: amniotic fluid embolus) anaphylactic reaction to amniotic fluid entering the respiratory system
Bishop score
tool used to determine if the cervix is favorable
lack of progress during labor, which could make it prolonged or difficult
fetal dystocia
complication in which the fetal head is unable to navigate through the pelvis
induction of labor
stimulation of uterine contractions prior to the spontaneous onset of labor
inversion of the uterus
uterus turning inside out, protruding through the vagina, and causing a life-threatening complication in the third stage of labor
labor augmentation
enhancement of inadequate uterine contractions that have failed to cause cervical dilation, effacement, or fetal descent
McRoberts maneuver
process of flexing the laboring person’s legs until the thigh touches the abdomen
meconium-stained amniotic fluid
brown or green staining of amniotic fluid due to the fetal passage of meconium
obstetric forceps
metal instruments placed on the fetal head to assist in delivery of the fetus
operative delivery
refers to the use of forceps or vacuum to assist with a vaginal birth
pelvic dystocia
labor complication that occurs when the size of the fetal head is larger than the size of the maternal pelvis due to a small capacity of the pelvic inlet, midpelvis, or pelvic outlet
precipitous labor
delivery that is extremely rapid and usually less than 3 hours from start of the contractions to birth
prolapsed cord
umbilical cord lying beside or in front of the fetal presenting part
shoulder dystocia
impaction of the fetal shoulder into the symphysis pubis or sacral promontory, preventing the delivery of the fetus
spontaneous abortion (SAB)
loss of a pregnancy prior to 20 weeks’ gestation
succenturiate lobe
accessory lobe that is separate from the main placenta
uterine dystocia
labor complication in which lack of cervical dilation occurs due to insufficient contraction strength, frequency, or duration
uterine rupture
tearing or opening in the muscle of the uterus
uterine tachysystole
more than five contractions occurring in 10 minutes averaged over 30 minutes
vacuum extractor
device that uses suction to help deliver the fetal head
vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)
successful trial of labor and eventual birth after a previous cesarean birth
vasa previa
condition in which fetal vessels implant into the membranes and cross over the cervix in front of the fetal presenting part
velamentous insertion of the cord
complication in which the vessels of the umbilical cord branch before reaching the placenta

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