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5.1 Gastrulation and Formation of the Neural Tube (Neurulation)

Congenital, teratogens, gastrulation, germ layers, cleavage, blastocyst, blastocoel, inner cell mass, trophoblast, primitive streak, node, blastopore lip, neurulation, neural tube, neural plate, neural induction/inducers, noggin, neural groove, neural folds, ventricles, anencephaly, encephalocele, hydrocephalus, vertebrae, transplantation assays, Spemann-Mangold organizer

5.2 Growth and Development of the Early Brain

neural stem cells, segmentation, flexure, self-renew, neurogenesis, gliogenesis, gyri, sulci, lissencephaly, multipotency, differentiation, proneural, proglial, gliogenic, ganglionic eminences, neural crest cells

5.3 Synapse Formation and Maturation

Synapse, presynaptic neuron, postsynaptic neuron, neurotransmitters, actin, polymerization, depolymerization, cell adhesion molecules, calcium dependent cell adhesion molecules, integrins, fascicles, ephrins, semaphorins, netrin, ipsilateral, commissural, fascicles, defasciculation, apoptosis, neurotrophins, Trk receptors, refinement, dorsal root ganglia, neuromuscular junction, motor neuron, muscle fiber, polyneuronal innervation, pruning, myelination

5.4 Experience Dependent Plasticity

Neural plasticity, critical periods, fetal alcohol syndrome, microcephaly, exencephaly, ocular dominance columns, executive function

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