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10.1 The Physiological Actions Implementing Movement – Contraction of Muscles

actin, cramps, cross-bridges, lengthening contraction, lower motoneurons (LMNs), motor unit, myofiber (muscle fiber), myofibril, myosin, neuromuscular junction, overstretching, power stroke, sarcolemma, sarcomere, sarcoplasmic reticulum, shortening contraction, tropomyosin, troponin

10.2 Eliciting Contractions from Lower Levels – Lower Motoneurons and Reflex Arcs

acetylcholinesterase, alpha motoneurons, ballistic, central pattern generators (& generation), collagen fibers (tendon components), extrafusal muscle fibers, gamma motoneurons, Golgi tendon organs, hyperreflexia, intrafusal muscle fibers, junctional folds, knee-jerk reflex, lower motor neurons (LMNs), muscle spindles (spindle fibers), Myasthenia Gravis, nicotinic receptors, proprioception, reflexes, size principle, somatotopically, upper motor neurons (UMNs)

10.3 Our Brain Gets Involved – Responsibilities of Upper Motor Systems

acquisition, action tremor, anterior corticospinal tract, basal ganglia, bradykinesia, caudate, central sulcus, cerebellar ataxia, cerebellum, chorea, cogwheel rigidity, consolidation, corticobulbar (corticonuclear) tract, dysmetria, dysphagia, dystonia, globus pallidus (internal/external), homunculus, intention tremor, lateral corticospinal tract, Levodopa (L-DOPA), muscle ensemble, motor sequence, prefrontal cortices (cortex), premotor cortices (cortex), primary motor cortex (M1), putamen, resting tremor, retention, spinocerebellar tracts, substantia nigra pars compacta, Tourette's syndrome, ventral anterior/ventrolateral (VA/VL) complex

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