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Fundamentals of Nursing

Review Questions

Fundamentals of NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
What factor is considered a nonmodifiable risk?
  1. smoking
  2. age
  3. riding a motorcycle without a helmet
  4. diet
2 .
The nurse is educating a patient on how to take and record their blood pressure at home. The nurse explains the newly prescribed medication requires daily monitoring of blood pressure readings. The nurse explains monitoring the blood pressure before taking each dose will reduce the risk of a medication error, which can cause a safety risk. Which nursing action can ensure the patient is fully informed and engaged related to taking a proactive approach in their healthcare needs?
  1. Use teach-back method to confirm patient understanding.
  2. Provide the patient with a list of other treatment options to discuss with the provider.
  3. Encourage the patient to make decisions based on their personal values and preferences.
  4. Assume decision-making responsibilities on behalf of the patient.
3 .
What nursing action should be taken first to facilitate collaboration with other healthcare professionals, such as providers and pharmacists, to address safety concerns and ensure coordinated care for individual patients?
  1. Conduct monthly interdisciplinary meetings to discuss patients’ care.
  2. Share information and updates on patient condition and treatment plan with the family members.
  3. Make a decision on your own regarding medication management.
  4. Establish a clear communication plan for patient care handoffs.
4 .
Mr. Jahn recently had knee replacement surgery and is ready to be discharged home from the hospital with his wife. He has completed physical therapy and is considered stable to independently walk but must remain cautious of his surroundings. When considering the patient’s risk for falls at home, Mr. Jahn and his wife should be educated to make what adjustment to their home environment?
  1. Remove all throw rugs from areas frequently walked.
  2. Maintain home thermostat at a comfortable temperature.
  3. Keep all overhead lights on brightest settings twenty-four hours a day.
  4. Position bed at lowest level.
5 .
A nurse is working in a busy hospital with a high patient load. She notices that her workplace environment poses several safety risks that could endanger both patients and staff members. The nurse is concerned about the risks and wants to take action to address the situation. What should the nurse do to address the workplace safety risks?
  1. Report the safety risks to their immediate supervisor or manager.
  2. Ignore the safety risks and focus solely on patient care.
  3. Confront the staff members responsible for creating the safety risks.
  4. Wait for someone else to address the safety risks.
6 .
A nurse is caring for a child who has signs of physical and emotional abuse. What should the nurse do to ensure the safety and well-being of the child?
  1. Report the signs of abuse to the appropriate authorities.
  2. Ignore the signs of abuse and focus on providing medical care.
  3. Confront the child’s family members about the abuse.
  4. Discharge the child and refer them to another healthcare facility.
7 .
A nurse is caring for a patient who discloses they are experiencing family violence. What nursing action would not support the patient and promote their safety?
  1. Provide a safe environment for the patient to further disclose their experience.
  2. Conduct a thorough assessment to identify potential safety risks and resources.
  3. Report the patient’s accusations to other members of the family.
  4. Provide emotional support and connect the patient with community resources.
8 .
A nurse is caring for a patient who is a victim of IPV. The patient has indicated they do not wish to address the violence in their relationship. What should the nurse do to ensure the patient’s safety and well-being?
  1. Provide the patient with information about community resources and support groups.
  2. Develop a safety plan with the patient to minimize the risk of further abuse.
  3. Encourage the patient to stay in the abusive relationship to prevent further harm.
  4. Ignore the signs of abuse and focus on providing medical intervention.
9 .
A nurse is working in a community clinic and suspects a child may be experiencing abuse based on the child’s physical presentation and behavior. What immediate nursing action should the nurse take to ensure the child’s safety and well-being?
  1. Document the observations in the child’s medical record.
  2. Report the suspected abuse to the appropriate authorities.
  3. Provide emotional support and connect the child with community resources.
  4. Conduct a thorough assessment of the home to gather additional information about the child’s situation.
10 .
Nurses incorporate telehealth in patient care plans. What service would not be representative of this technological advance?
  1. diagnostic testing
  2. easy access to specialists
  3. health and fitness apps
  4. early warning and detection technologies
11 .
A nurse looks up information for her patient using an her and reviews notes from the patient’s previous admission. The nurse is specifically looking for any reactions to a particular antibiotic. What term describes the nurse’s actions?
  1. meaningful use
  2. privacy
  3. confidentiality
  4. point-of-care testing
12 .
What patient action describes the vital role technology plays in patient care?
  1. visiting a sick friend in the hospital
  2. looking up recent lab test results in the patient portal
  3. calling the provider’s office and asking for a medication refill
  4. carrying paper records from provider to provider

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