Chapter Outline
The evolution of nursing is a dynamic journey that spans centuries, marked by transformative shifts in practice, education, and the professional identity of nurses. These shifts follow the historical progression of nursing and nursing theories, revealing the foundations that have shaped the field. Nursing education programs have likewise undergone significant development, adapting to the evolving healthcare landscape to equip nurses with the knowledge and skills necessary for contemporary practice.
As nursing emerged as a distinct profession, it became characterized by a commitment to compassionate care and a dedication to advancing the health and well-being of individuals and communities. Delving into the history and evolution of nursing theories introduces us to the visionary minds that have contributed to the theoretical frameworks supporting these core commitments. This journey includes an exploration of selected nursing theorists and the application of their theories in the dynamic and multifaceted realm of nursing practice, the application of nursing knowledge, skills, and principles. Together, these elements form a comprehensive picture that illustrates the rich and ever-evolving nature of nursing as a profession.