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Fundamentals of Nursing

Review Questions

Fundamentals of NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
A 20-year-old patient is struggling with screen addiction. You understand that this challenge stems from incomplete development of what part of the brain?
  1. occipital lobe
  2. parietal lobe
  3. temporal lobe
  4. frontal lobe
2 .
Although many young adults are at prime physical ability, strength, and health during early adulthood, which medical disorder is present at epidemic rates in young adults?
  1. sleep deprivation
  2. obesity
  3. multigenerational living
  4. cancer
3 .
Excessive video gaming and screen use is correlated with a variety of health consequences, including which mental health disorder?
  1. vision problems
  2. tendonitis
  3. depression
  4. drug use disorder
4 .
During late young adulthood and continuing into middle adulthood, strength and metabolism are affected by which condition that is characterized by a decrease in muscle mass?
  1. sarcopenia
  2. osteoporosis
  3. inflammation
  4. neurogenesis
5 .
While cognitive factors such as working memory, neuroplasticity, and neurogenesis may decline in middle adulthood, this age demographic maintains which type of intelligence that results in the ability to integrate new ideas by extrapolating from prior experiences?
  1. executive functioning
  2. fluid intelligence
  3. crystallized intelligence
  4. long-term intelligence
6 .
In what stage of Erickson’s psychosocial development are most middle-aged adults?
  1. trust versus mistrust
  2. identity versus confusion
  3. intimacy versus isolation
  4. generativity versus stagnation
7 .
According to Levinson’s theory, what situation marks the midlife transition (ages 40 to 45 years)?
  1. beginning to think about starting a family
  2. reassessing career aspirations
  3. questioning social norms present in their family of origin
  4. identifying core personal values
8 .
Which tasks are included in Vaillant’s theory of adult development?
  1. generativity, career consolidation, autonomy, keeper of meaning
  2. intimacy, trust, autonomy, identity
  3. generativity, autonomy, intimacy, integrity
  4. autonomy, trust, identity, initiative
9 .
What developmental theory suggests that social norms influence a social developmental clock, driving individual choices in clothing, marriage, and family and contributing to age grading?
  1. Levinson’s theory of adult development
  2. Vaillant’s theory of adult development
  3. Erickson’s psychosocial development theory
  4. Neugarten’s theory of adult development
10 .
What does Kegan’s constructive developmental theory suggest?
  1. Adults develop according to a social clock.
  2. Adults experience thought process transformations during their development.
  3. Adults experience transition times at ages 30 and 40 years.
  4. Adults must complete specific social tasks to progress to a higher level of development.
11 .
By different mechanisms, hypertension and diabetes affect the vascular system, resulting in damage to the heart, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. What is the term for this resulting damage?
  1. peripheral damage
  2. organ failure
  3. end-organ damage
  4. pain
12 .
What is the most common nutritional disorder in the United States?
  1. anorexia nervosa
  2. bulimia
  3. micronutrient deficiency
  4. obesity
13 .
A nurse administers a PHQ-9 questionnaire for a new patient as per clinic protocol. The patient notes concern in areas such as sleep, concentration, and energy level but not in areas of self-esteem or interpersonal interactions. What is an appropriate follow-up question for the nurse to ask?
  1. Have you struggled in the past with depression or anxiety?
  2. Are you suicidal?
  3. Have you ever used your son’s ADHD medications?
  4. Is your sleep related to problems at work?
14 .
Health disorders such as diabetes, obesity, substance misuse, cancer, and anxiety put individuals at risk for what other mental health disorder?
  1. bipolar disorder
  2. depression
  3. dementia
  4. schizophrenia
15 .
In what work environments are individuals most at risk for workplace violence?
  1. service jobs, health care, delivery driver, law enforcement
  2. legal work, food preparation, grocery store, custodial
  3. law enforcement, road construction, university professor, bartending
  4. food preparation, preschool teaching, legal work, health care
16 .
What statement most accurately identifies the effects of acute and chronic sleep deprivation?
  1. poor judgment, improved coordination, injuries, enhanced work performance
  2. inability to concentrate, poor work performance, diabetes, high blood pressure
  3. poor work performance, anxiety, depression, hypertension, obesity
  4. depression, enhanced work performance, obesity, injuries
17 .
What aspects of a physical movement plan are important for all individuals?
  1. The movement plan must include weight-training exercises and high-intensity cardiovascular exercise.
  2. The movement plan requires at least 150 minutes of exercise each week.
  3. The movement plan should be based on individual preferences and abilities and include a variety of exercises and movements to strengthen muscles.
  4. The physical movement plan is best when implemented in a gym setting.
18 .
Nurses collaborate with social workers to create a care plan addressing what aspects of care?
  1. a balanced diet
  2. a mental health treatment plan
  3. financial relief resources
  4. a care plan for colon cancer
19 .
Up to 16 percent of adults binge drink. What health effects may they experience with continued binge drinking?
  1. hypertension, heart disease, cancer, injuries
  2. cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, injuries
  3. heart disease, vision changes, hearing loss, liver disease
  4. obesity, heart disease, kidney disease, violence
20 .
What medical specialty focuses on caring for individuals with treatment-resistant diabetes?
  1. rheumatology
  2. gastroenterology
  3. cardiology
  4. endocrinology

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