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Fundamentals of Nursing

Review Questions

Fundamentals of NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
A patient is being flown by helicopter to an advanced medical center for emergency surgery after a severe motor vehicle accident. What level of care is this patient going to receive?
  1. primary
  2. secondary
  3. tertiary
  4. specialized
2 .
A nursing student is worried about their uncle who has lost some weight and is complaining of discomfort. The student recommends the uncle see his ________.
  1. primary care physician
  2. family physician
  3. secondary care physician
  4. tertiary care physician
3 .
Occupational therapists, speech therapists, and physical therapists are what type of secondary care practitioners?
  1. primary care physicians
  2. mental health providers
  3. nurse practitioners
  4. allied health professionals
4 .
What level of healthcare provider is a patient seeing if they are going to a mental health professional for intermittent visits?
  1. primary
  2. secondary
  3. tertiary
  4. behavioral health
5 .
A patient is the spouse of an active-duty military service member. What type of care organization do they probably use?
  1. federal
  2. not-for-profit
  3. public hospital
  4. private hospital
6 .
What types of facilities must function as safety-net hospitals?
  1. for-profit hospitals
  2. not-for-profit hospitals
  3. state/local government hospitals
  4. community hospitals
7 .
State and local health departments are responsible for many functions within their geographical areas, including administering federal programs such as WIC, regional emergency preparedness activities, and ________.
  1. setting healthcare policy at a national level
  2. providing vital records for their community members
  3. providing complete primary, secondary, and tertiary care
  4. providing care for American Indian and Alaskan Native people
8 .
A patient’s ability to understand and follow physician instructions, engage in their own healthcare decision-making, and understand their condition is related to their ________.
  1. health literacy
  2. health understanding
  3. education level
  4. income level
9 .
Mrs. Simpson, an 82-year-old patient with Medicare who lives on her son’s farm, has missed her scheduled appointment. The nurse recognizes she may face which barrier to care?
  1. lack of time
  2. race
  3. transportation
  4. uninsured
10 .
What is not a goal of the ACA?
  1. make insurance affordable for individuals who fall between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level
  2. educate enough physicians to cover all physician shortages nationwide
  3. expand Medicaid to cover all adults below 138 percent of the federal poverty level
  4. support overall changes to healthcare delivery that will lower costs and improve care
11 .
During orientation, a new nurse is told by a preceptor that on the unit, staff arrive 10 minutes early for their shift, and report is given by doing “walking rounds” (giving report at the bedside, while using plain language and engaging the patient). The preceptor is teaching the new nurse about the unit’s ________.
  1. sociology
  2. structure
  3. culture
  4. reliability
12 .
A patient in which scenario is most likely to have a need for strong care collaboration?
  1. 25-year-old with a fractured ankle, is otherwise healthy, and lives with their spouse
  2. 75-year-old with a recent hip replacement and multiple other conditions who lives alone
  3. 35-year-old with an uncomplicated pregnancy who lives with their partner
  4. 45-year-old with pneumonia who lives alone
13 .
PDSA is a technique commonly used for ________ and stands for ________, ________, ________, and ________.
  1. quality improvement; plan; do; study; act
  2. safety initiatives; plan; do; survey; abandon
  3. cultural change; plan; do; study; act
  4. quality improvement; process; do; survey; act

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