Key Terms
- circulation
- the tendency of a fluid to move in the direction of curve C. If C is a closed curve, then the circulation of F along C is line integral which we also denote
- closed curve
- a curve for which there exists a parameterization such that and the curve is traversed exactly once
- closed curve
- a curve that begins and ends at the same point
- connected region
- a region in which any two points can be connected by a path with a trace contained entirely inside the region
- conservative field
- a vector field for which there exists a scalar function such that
- curl
- the curl of vector field denoted is the “determinant” of the matrix and is given by the expression it measures the tendency of particles at a point to rotate about the axis that points in the direction of the curl at the point
- divergence
- the divergence of a vector field denoted is it measures the “outflowing-ness” of a vector field
- divergence theorem
- a theorem used to transform a difficult flux integral into an easier triple integral and vice versa
- flux
- the rate of a fluid flowing across a curve in a vector field; the flux of vector field F across plane curve C is line integral
- flux integral
- another name for a surface integral of a vector field; the preferred term in physics and engineering
- Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals
- the value of line integral depends only on the value of at the endpoints of C:
- Gauss’ law
- if S is a piecewise, smooth closed surface in a vacuum and Q is the total stationary charge inside of S, then the flux of electrostatic field E across S is
- gradient field
- a vector field for which there exists a scalar function such that in other words, a vector field that is the gradient of a function; such vector fields are also called conservative
- Green’s theorem
- relates the integral over a connected region to an integral over the boundary of the region
- grid curves
- curves on a surface that are parallel to grid lines in a coordinate plane
- heat flow
- a vector field proportional to the negative temperature gradient in an object
- independence of path
- a vector field F has path independence if for any curves and in the domain of F with the same initial points and terminal points
- inverse-square law
- the electrostatic force at a given point is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of the charge
- line integral
- the integral of a function along a curve in a plane or in space
- mass flux
- the rate of mass flow of a fluid per unit area, measured in mass per unit time per unit area
- orientation of a curve
- the orientation of a curve C is a specified direction of C
- orientation of a surface
- if a surface has an “inner” side and an “outer” side, then an orientation is a choice of the inner or the outer side; the surface could also have “upward” and “downward” orientations
- parameter domain (parameter space)
- the region of the uv plane over which the parameters u and v vary for parameterization
- parameterized surface (parametric surface)
- a surface given by a description of the form where the parameters u and v vary over a parameter domain in the uv-plane
- piecewise smooth curve
- an oriented curve that is not smooth, but can be written as the union of finitely many smooth curves
- potential function
- a scalar function such that
- radial field
- a vector field in which all vectors either point directly toward or directly away from the origin; the magnitude of any vector depends only on its distance from the origin
- regular parameterization
- parameterization such that is not zero for any point in the parameter domain
- rotational field
- a vector field in which the vector at point is tangent to a circle with radius in a rotational field, all vectors flow either clockwise or counterclockwise, and the magnitude of a vector depends only on its distance from the origin
- scalar line integral
- the scalar line integral of a function along a curve C with respect to arc length is the integral it is the integral of a scalar function along a curve in a plane or in space; such an integral is defined in terms of a Riemann sum, as is a single-variable integral
- simple curve
- a curve that does not cross itself
- simply connected region
- a region that is connected and has the property that any closed curve that lies entirely inside the region encompasses points that are entirely inside the region
- Stokes’ theorem
- relates the flux integral over a surface S to a line integral around the boundary C of the surface S
- stream function
- if is a source-free vector field, then stream function g is a function such that and
- surface area
- the area of surface S given by the surface integral
- surface independent
- flux integrals of curl vector fields are surface independent if their evaluation does not depend on the surface but only on the boundary of the surface
- surface integral
- an integral of a function over a surface
- surface integral of a scalar-valued function
- a surface integral in which the integrand is a scalar function
- surface integral of a vector field
- a surface integral in which the integrand is a vector field
- unit vector field
- a vector field in which the magnitude of every vector is 1
- vector field
- measured in an assignment of a vector to each point of a subset of in an assignment of a vector to each point of a subset of
- vector line integral
- the vector line integral of vector field F along curve C is the integral of the dot product of F with unit tangent vector T of C with respect to arc length, such an integral is defined in terms of a Riemann sum, similar to a single-variable integral