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World History Volume 2, from 1400

Check Your Understanding Questions

World History Volume 2, from 1400Check Your Understanding Questions

Check Your Understanding Questions

1 .
How has free trade around the world contributed to hardships for workers in developing countries?
2 .
What are some of the benefits to companies of regional trading blocs like NAFTA and the EU?
3 .
Why have environmentalists faced resistance from workers and other groups?
4 .
What effect did microprocessors have on the development of computers and other kinds of technology?
5 .
What was a social consequence of the worldwide spread of internet access through smartphones and social media?
6 .
What were some of the reasons health organizations were able to eradicate smallpox around the world?
7 .
Why did the United States think it was important to secure nuclear weapons in countries like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus in the 1990s?
8 .
What were some of the consequences in Europe of the arrival of refugees from Africa and the Middle East?
9 .
How does China justify its treatment of the Uyghurs since 2017?
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