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World History Volume 2, from 1400

Application and Reflection Questions

World History Volume 2, from 1400Application and Reflection Questions

Application and Reflection Questions

1 .
Do you think NAFTA was beneficial or harmful for the United States economically? Why?
2 .
Do you think the benefits of free trade around the world outweigh the costs? Why or why not?
3 .
How have humans both caused and suffered from environmental degradation?
4 .
Should developing nations be required to limit industrial production to the same extent that developed nations are now being asked to do in order to address environmental issues? Why or why not?
5 .
In what ways have computers made life easier and also more difficult? Do you feel we are able to balance these two results of having computers in our lives? Why or why not?
6 .
The growth of the internet and social media have been beneficial in many ways. Are there any negative consequences of ease of internet access and widespread reliance on social media? If so, what are they, and how can we mitigate these effects?
7 .
Although globalization has increased the speed by which diseases can spread around the globe and promoted collaboration to find treatments for these diseases, access to new medical discoveries remains unequal. How does the unequal application of medical breakthroughs in the developed and developing nations reflect the mixed effects of globalization?
8 .
How might the world be different had the United States not invaded Iraq in 2003? Why?
9 .
How have the actions of Global North countries contributed to the problems of those in the Global South?
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