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World History Volume 2, from 1400

Check Your Understanding Questions

World History Volume 2, from 1400Check Your Understanding Questions

Check Your Understanding Questions

1 .
In what ways did nineteenth-century industrialization lead to lower death rates and longer life spans?
2 .
Why did child labor in factories become less common in western Europe and the United States by the end of the nineteenth century?
3 .
How did industrialization affect family size in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?
4 .
What made nineteenth-century industrial cities so dirty?
5 .
What were the causes of disease in nineteenth-century industrial cities?
6 .
What were the advantages of city life?
7 .
By what means did White people in the southern United States legally force African American people to work for them after the abolition of slavery?
8 .
What steps led to the abolition of slavery in Brazil in 1888?
9 .
For what similar reasons did European and Asian emigrants move to other countries in the nineteenth century?
10 .
To what extent was race a factor in the treatment of immigrants by their host countries?
11 .
Why did the working class sometimes resent the attempts of the middle class to pass legislation intended to help them?
12 .
How did nineteenth-century governments and reformers try to prevent the spread of disease in the industrial city?
13 .
What were Samuel Smiles and Herbert Spencer’s ideas regarding the poor?

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