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World History Volume 1, to 1500

Application and Reflection Questions

World History Volume 1, to 1500Application and Reflection Questions

Application and Reflection Questions

1 .
What role did war play in the expansion and maintenance of the major Near Eastern empires? How is this strategy similar to or different from the way countries create and maintain power today?
2 .
How was the relationship between the people of the ancient Near East and their gods similar to or different from religious practices today?
3 .
Why might someone want to become an ambassador or a spy in the ancient Near East?
4 .
What made the New Kingdom pharaohs successful?
5 .
Why were some New Kingdom pharaohs removed from the historical record, and by whom?
6 .
If you were the king of a vassal state in the Persian Empire, would you have considered rebellion? Why or why not?
7 .
What do you think best explains why the Persian Empire was successful?
8 .
What role do you think religious texts should play in the study of history, and why?
9 .
The narrative of the Hebrew Bible includes many stories about migration. Why do you think migration was an important theme for the Hebrews?
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