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World History Volume 1, to 1500

Check Your Understanding Questions

World History Volume 1, to 1500Check Your Understanding Questions

Check Your Understanding Questions

1 .
In what ways did the nomadic and seminomadic peoples beyond the borders of early civilizations contribute to these civilizations?
2 .
What do the artifacts and other archaeological finds from Jericho and Çatalhöyük suggest about life in these early urban environments?
3 .
What was the Legend of Sargon, and how does it explain Sargon of Akkad’s rise to power?
4 .
In what way did the palace and temple complex in ancient Mesopotamian cities function as an economic redistribution center?
5 .
How were gods honored and served in the Sumerian religion?
6 .
In what respects were the Sumerian lugals and Egyptian pharaohs different?
7 .
What do ancient sources and modern analyses suggest about the labor required to build the large pyramids of the Old Kingdom?
8 .
Why is the reign of Pharaoh Senusret III considered the high point of Middle Kingdom Egypt?
9 .
What evidence suggests that the walled citadel areas in Indus valley cities may have been used for religious purposes?
10 .
What suggests that the religion of the Indus valley civilization may have survived for many centuries in a different form?
11 .
What are some of the theories about the decline of the Indus valley civilization?
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