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Review Questions

1 .
Which human species is likely the earliest member of the genus Homo?
  1. Homo sapiens
  2. Homo erectus
  3. Homo habilis
  4. Homo neanderthalensis
2 .
What was one of the consequences of the digestive organs moving lower and into a smaller space when members of the Homo genus began walking upright?
  1. It led them to build shelters.
  2. It led them to adopt foods that were easier to digest.
  3. It led them to seek protection in trees.
  4. It led them to migrate to warmer environments.
3 .
Which statement best describes the multiregional evolution model?
  1. Fully evolved modern humans left Africa about 100,000 years ago.
  2. All modern humans evolved from a population of Homo erectus in Asia.
  3. Modern humans evolved in many places in a piecemeal fashion.
  4. Fully evolved modern humans descended directly from Australopithecus.
4 .
How did migrating modern humans reach Australia?
  1. They walked on exposed land.
  2. They walked over frozen ice sheets.
  3. They took rafts over open water.
  4. They built crude bridges between islands.
5 .
Which phrase best describes Acheulean tools?
  1. hand-axes made by careful chipping of stones
  2. stone blades attached to handles
  3. stone spearheads attached to wooden shafts
  4. stone cores with a sharp edge for cutting
6 .
Human migration to which area was made possible by lower sea levels during the last ice age?
  1. India
  2. China
  3. North America
  4. The Near East
7 .
Why were small groups of humans better suited to survival in the Paleolithic Age?
  1. It was hard to feed larger groups of people.
  2. Large groups were more likely to settle.
  3. Small groups created more sophisticated tools.
  4. Small groups tended to get along better than larger ones.
8 .
Where have archaeologists uncovered evidence of Paleolithic shelters made of mammoth bones?
  1. eastern Europe
  2. Australia
  3. South America
  4. eastern Africa
9 .
Which hunter-gatherer group still living today tends to experience problems from having larger populations of women than men?
  1. Awá
  2. San
  3. Inuit
  4. Kalahari
10 .
What was an advantage of adopting agriculture?
  1. greater mobility
  2. a more reliable food supply
  3. greater food variety
  4. more leisure time
11 .
In which location did the Neolithic Revolution take place first?
  1. China
  2. North America
  3. the Fertile Crescent
  4. sub-Saharan Africa
12 .
What Neolithic settlements were the first to develop rice agriculture?
  1. those in the Yangtze River valley
  2. those in the Danube River valley
  3. those in the Fertile Crescent
  4. those in northeastern Mexico
13 .
Which region independently began cultivating maize about six thousand years ago?
  1. the Yangtze River region
  2. the Andean region
  3. sub-Saharan Africa
  4. central Mexico
14 .
What tasks were commonly done by men in agricultural communities?
  1. preparing food
  2. plowing fields
  3. making pottery
  4. weaving cloth
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