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Review Questions

c. Transitional care refers to the provision of care to clients during transitions between different health care settings, ensuring continuity and safety. Medication reconciliation is an important intervention during transitional care to review and reconcile medication lists, address changes in medications, provide education, and promote adherence to prevent medication errors and adverse events during transitions.
c. Limited health literacy increases the risk for a poor transition of care outcome. When clients struggle to understand health care instructions, medication regimens, or follow-up care, it can lead to misunderstandings, nonadherence, and suboptimal outcomes.
b. Medication reconciliation is the process of comparing a client’s medication orders to all the medications the client has been taking and ensuring that the client has access to necessary medications during transitions to prevent medication errors. Since it also involves checking that the client has a clear understanding of their medication regimen, the nurse should follow up with this client to make sure that the “blue pill” is a current order and that the client understands what it is for and how to take it.
c. Care transition models are designed to support seamless transitions between health care settings. They provide frameworks and guidelines to ensure coordinated and client-centered care during transitions, minimizing disruptions and improving outcomes.
b. The IDEAL Discharge Planning guide engages clients and their families in the discharge planning process. Involving clients and their support systems ensures that the discharge plan aligns with their preferences, needs, and capabilities, ultimately improving client satisfaction and outcomes.
d. The TCM emphasizes the use of advanced practice nurses (APRNs) to coordinate care, educate clients and caregivers, and facilitate communication among various health care providers. It is designed to ensure the health and safety of high-risk older clients. TCM emphasizes client and caregiver education, promoting self-management and improving communication among health care providers.
c. Community health nurses play a key role in coordinating care and advocating for clients across different health care settings. They ensure continuity of care, facilitate effective communication among health care providers, and support clients throughout their health care journey.
c. Research suggests that medication adherence is improved when clients are given their medications in the hospital at the time of discharge compared to needing to pick up prescriptions at a pharmacy.
a. Ensuring effective communication among health care providers is a strategy to improve safety and continuity of care for clients during the transition from behavioral health hospitalization to outpatient care. This helps prevent miscommunication, enhances coordination, and ensures a smooth transition for clients.
b. Mobile health applications can facilitate self-care by allowing clients to share data such as blood glucose levels with their health care providers to help manage their condition.

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