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b. Understanding transcultural models and frameworks can help the nurse in this situation by guiding them to respect the client’s cultural beliefs and find an alternative medication that aligns with the client’s cultural values. This approach promotes culturally sensitive care and supports the client’s autonomy and decision making in their health care journey.
b. Leininger’s Culture Care Diversity and Universality Theory is an example of a transcultural nursing model. This model emphasizes the importance of cultural competence in nursing, recognizing that culture influences an individual’s health beliefs, practices, and outcomes. It guides nurses in providing care that respects and integrates the cultural values, traditions, and preferences of clients.
c. Collaborating with the client and health care team to assess the safety and potential interactions between herbal remedies and prescribed medications is the most appropriate approach for ensuring the older adult client’s safety while respecting their cultural beliefs. This approach aligns with the principles of person-centered care and cultural sensitivity, allowing for the integration of evidence-based care with the client’s cultural practices.
c. In this scenario, the key component of culturally responsive care is collaborating with the client to identify traditional healing practices that are safe and effective to use alongside medications. As a nurse, it is essential to acknowledge, respect, and understand the client’s cultural beliefs and values and work together with him to find a treatment plan that aligns with his culture and promotes his well-being. This approach demonstrates cultural competence and supports client-centered care.
d. In this scenario, the culturally responsive intervention is to discuss the client’s concerns and work collaboratively with her to find a solution that respects her cultural preferences. This approach acknowledges and respects the client’s cultural background, promotes client-centered care, and ensures her comfort and satisfaction with the prenatal care she receives.
b. In this scenario, the aim of conducting a cultural assessment for the client is to promote cultural sensitivity and understanding in the health care setting. By assessing the client’s cultural background and beliefs, health care providers can provide client-centered care that respects her values, preferences, and unique needs, leading to improved communication, trust, and outcomes.
c. The nurse can create a safe and open environment by actively encouraging the client to ask questions, actively listening, validating their concerns, and promoting shared decision making.
c. This approach allows the client to feel more comfortable and trusting with their health care provider, resulting in improved client satisfaction and outcomes.
a. The nurse should consider the component of biological variation when providing care for the client according to the Giger and Davidhizar model. This component acknowledges that individuals from different cultural backgrounds may have unique biological variations and genetic traits that can influence their health status and response to health care treatments and interventions.
c. The component of cultural skill emphasizes the need for health care providers to possess the necessary knowledge and abilities to effectively understand and communicate with individuals from diverse backgrounds, such as the client with a visual impairment. The nurse should have the cultural skill to provide medication information in accessible formats, such as braille or audio recordings, to ensure effective communication and culturally congruent care.

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