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Unfolding Case Study

a. Deanna is predisposed to developing hypertension due to her family history; therefore, she is in the susceptible stage. Given that Deanna has only had one elevated blood pressure reading, it is not yet clear if she is in the clinical stage. Deanna is not in the recovery stage, as she has not yet been diagnosed with a disease.
c. If Deanna is diagnosed with hypertension and prescribed medication, the medication is given to control or prevent worsening of the hypertension as well as to prevent complications or other diseases as a result of hypertension, which involves tertiary prevention.
c. The manager is demonstrating their perception that health promotion and disease prevention are not as important as timeliness.
c. The nurse is encouraging secondary prevention by giving the client the tools needed to lower her blood pressure before it causes negative health outcomes.

Review Questions

a. The role of the nurse as advocate involves helping to create environments that support better health. In this scenario, the nurse is advocating not only for their two specific clients, but also the community of the apartment as a whole.
c. The subclinical stage of disease stays below the surface of clinical detection and has no recognizable clinical findings. The client has no symptoms because they are in the subclinical stage of disease.
d. The client’s vertigo is an internal condition directly related to the skills needed in that exercise class and is leading them to reject particular interventions. Therefore, it is an issue-related skill that is negatively influencing their behavior.
b. Cues to action are events, people, or things that trigger people to change behavior. Because the individual has been mindful of their weight loss, this cue is likely to influence their food choices.
d. The principal is considering the key attributes affecting an innovation’s adoption, including compatibility and complexity.
a. Primordial prevention involves social and environmental activities that reduce risk factors in a community.
b. To develop a community-wide health promotion program, the community health nurse needs to view health promotion as an obligation of multiple sectors, not just the responsibility of the health sector, in order to encourage the health of all citizens.
a. The public health nurse recognizes the limited access to health care services in the rural community and takes action to address this issue by establishing a mobile clinic. By establishing a regular visitation schedule, the nurse aims to improve the availability of health care services, ensuring that community members have access to timely medical care.
d. A lack of financial resources is a common barrier that arises from the health care system itself. The other three options are not system-related barriers.
d. The app likely does not fit with the intended audience, leading to a lack of widespread acceptance, which would indicate an issue with compatibility.

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