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A public health nurse is reviewing data that shows that families living closer to an industrial plant have higher rates of cancer. Which of the following determinants should the nurse consider in this situation?
  1. Epigenetics
  2. Sociocultural environment
  3. Biological processes
  4. Physical environment
A nurse researcher has found that clients living in rural areas tend to have higher rates of hospitalization for chronic lung disease than those living in affluent urban areas. Which of the following terms describes what the nurse researcher has identified?
  1. Health disparities
  2. Health determinants
  3. Intersectionality
  4. Socially disadvantaged populations
A community health nurse educates a group of families on healthy eating habits to reduce their risk of diabetes. The nurse encourages them to share healthy meal ideas with each other. Which domain and level of influence does this intervention address?
  1. Behavioral and community
  2. Behavioral and individual
  3. Sociocultural environment and interpersonal
  4. Sociocultural environment and societal
A community health nurse is working with a group of gay Black clients who are describing some of the negative social interactions they have experienced. This group is likely affected by which of the following:
  1. Intersectionality
  2. Entitlements
  3. Gender disparities
  4. Racial disparities
A home health nurse notices that, among clients who were recently released from the hospital, female clients were more likely than male clients to report experiencing uncontrolled pain while hospitalized. What contributing factor should the nurse consider in this situation?
  1. Gender roles
  2. Gender biases
  3. Biological differences
  4. Environmental differences
A public health nurse determines that a non-English-speaking Hispanic client needs additional medical evaluation and treatment for cancer. Which of the following statements best describes the nurse’s assessment of this situation?
  1. This client is insured and should be able to receive treatment accompanied by a medical interpreter.
  2. This client has a primary care provider who should be able to help the client navigate the system.
  3. This client’s access to health care may be limited by the ability of the health care system to provide services when they are needed.
  4. This client’s access to health care may be limited by the availability of culturally competent providers.
Which of the following statements by a nursing student would indicate the need for further education?
  1. “A difference in health status between older adults and the young may indicate a health disparity.”
  2. “Race is not a determinant of health.”
  3. “Individuals who live in high-poverty areas may need assistance accessing health care services.”
  4. “If I don’t have a high school diploma, my risk for chronic disease rises.”
A nurse studying the percentage of the population that reports having a regular source of health care notices that some states have significantly higher rates of care than other states. Which of the following factors is most likely the reason for the difference?
  1. Differences in health literacy rates
  2. The geographic distribution of health care providers
  3. The income requirements for Medicaid eligibility
  4. Availability of public transportation
A nurse educating a group of men on the importance of performing testicular self-exams recognizes that which of the following factors influences the likelihood that they will adhere to this recommendation?
  1. Low health literacy levels
  2. Poor social support
  3. Gender bias related to health care access
  4. Gender norms related to masculinity
A nurse working in a rural public health clinic recognizes that which of the following risk factors for poor health outcomes is prevalent in the community?
  1. An increased likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors
  2. A decreased risk of experiencing chronic lung disease
  3. An increased likelihood of wearing seat belts
  4. A decreased risk of cancer

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