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After performing a community assessment, a nurse determines that a neighborhood with a higher concentration of BIPOC clients lacks access to medical care. Which term describes a major factor contributing to this finding?
  1. Structural racism
  2. Personally mediated racism
  3. Internalized racism
  4. Scientific racism
Which of these nurse actions would be considered an example of microaggression?
  1. Asking a transgender client their pronouns
  2. Telling an Asian client that they speak perfect English
  3. Determining the dietary preferences of a Jewish client
  4. Obtaining a medical interpreter for a client who does not speak English
Which of the following is an example of racial profiling?
  1. Suspecting a person of criminal behavior based on race
  2. Segregating communities based on race
  3. Assuming all men of a certain racial group are dangerous
  4. Community-wide disinvestment based on race
Which statement best highlights the continuing prevalence of racism in the U.S. health care system?
  1. A university researcher has built a relationship with the local community.
  2. Some states have attempted to impose work-reporting requirements as a means of restricting Medicaid expansion.
  3. The city council is considering a summer jobs program for local teenagers.
  4. The police department has established a community advisory board in each precinct.
Which client being seen in the community health clinic does the nurse anticipate is most affected by allostatic load?
  1. A 52-year-old Native American construction worker with osteoarthritis of the knees
  2. A 24-year-old Black man with persistent hypertension
  3. A 62-year-old White woman with newly diagnosed hypothyroidism
  4. A 38-year-old Hispanic woman concerned about a change in the color of a mole
Which environmental condition is a consequence of the redlining of neighborhoods that has negatively affected health outcomes of BIPOC individuals?
  1. Decreased urban heat
  2. Less green space
  3. Improved air quality
  4. Increased access to clean water
A public health nurse running a cost-free vaccination clinic for COVID-19 in an underserved community notes that the turnout is lower than expected. Which factor is the most likely explanation for the low turnout?
  1. Medicaid expansion
  2. Low perceived personal risk for COVID
  3. Lack of health insurance
  4. Distrust of the health system
A nurse is caring for four clients in the medical-surgical inpatient unit. One is a Black woman who has been admitted with pancreatitis, another is a White man who has been admitted with acute low back pain, the third is a Black man with pneumonia, and the fourth is a White woman who has been admitted with cholecystitis. The nurse medicates the Black woman with one oral Percocet tab for 8/10 pain, medicates the White man with two oxycodone tabs for 7/10 pain, does not medicate the Black man as he does not have current pain, and medicates the White woman with 2 mg of IV morphine for 8/10 pain. What is this an example of?
  1. Explicit racism
  2. Implicit bias
  3. Professional standard of care
  4. Structural racism
The community health nurse is working on creating nutrition initiatives for a community with a high incidence of heart disease and diabetes. Which of the following is a driving factor in the persistence of food deserts in areas of the United States?
  1. Structural racism
  2. Implicit bias
  3. Explicit racism
  4. Mass incarceration
Which of the following issues are implicated in the current maternal mortality public health crisis?
  1. Differences in health insurance coverage and access
  2. Income level
  3. Provider discrimination
  4. Distrust in the medical system

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