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Which concept should the nurse consider when developing community programs to meet the needs of the baby boomer generation?
  1. The baby boomer population is steadily declining.
  2. There is an increase in the need for long-term care.
  3. The average age of the U.S. population is decreasing.
  4. The prevalence of chronic disease is declining.
A nurse works in a community health center whose population consists of many working poor. Which characteristic would the nurse expect in this population?
  1. Most clients receiving care in the clinic hold jobs but are uninsured.
  2. Most clients are working and have health insurance.
  3. Most clients engage in health-promotion activities since they do not have health insurance.
  4. Most clients will qualify for Medicaid benefits.
Which statement should guide the care a nurse provides to clients in a community health clinic that serves an ethnic minority group?
  1. Health disparities are preventable differences in health.
  2. Hypertension affects all ethnic groups equally.
  3. Underrepresented populations engage in health-promotion activities.
  4. The population of ethnic minorities in the United States is declining.
A client at a rural community health center has been diagnosed with diabetes and has scheduled a telehealth appointment with a diabetes educator. Which client statement about seeing a provider via telehealth indicates to the community health nurse that more teaching is needed?
  1. “I will get the same level of care as an in-person visit.”
  2. “This will save me a 2-hour drive to the city.”
  3. “Telehealth reduces communication with the diabetes educator.”
  4. “This will allow close monitoring of my diabetes.”
Which statement best describes the impact of COVID-19 on the nursing profession?
  1. The pandemic highlighted nursing as a desirable profession.
  2. Nurses are now more vigilant about the care they provide for clients.
  3. Many nurses left the health care system.
  4. Nursing salaries have decreased due to the impact of COVID-19 on the finances of health systems.
A nurse is working in a community health clinic that serves a large Asian population. Which health factor should the nurse consider when providing care to this population?
  1. There is a higher rate of hepatitis B than in other ethnic groups.
  2. The rate of tuberculosis is lower than all people diagnosed with this infection.
  3. They are more likely to receive care for mental health issues.
  4. There is a lower genetic risk for developing prediabetes.
A 38-year-old client, who identifies as transgender, presents to a community health center with symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. During the intake assessment, the client tells the nurse that they do not receive regular health care and do not have a primary health care provider. As the nurse performs an assessment of this individual, which finding does the nurse anticipate?
  1. An absence of preventable diseases
  2. A distrust of the health care system
  3. Positive past health care encounters
  4. Up-to-date cancer screenings
Which intervention should the nurse use to instill trust in underrepresented clients in a community health center?
  1. Asking family members to remain in the waiting area
  2. Assessing the client’s potential barriers to care
  3. Providing education materials in English
  4. Learning about the client’s culture by reading about it
Which statement should guide the nurse in helping an underrepresented client obtain health insurance based on the ACA?
  1. The age of qualification for Medicare was lowered.
  2. Medicaid financial eligibility requirements were lowered.
  3. Administration of Medicaid was transferred to the federal government.
  4. Individuals with disabilities are no longer covered by Medicare.
The nurse is recommending that a client in a rural area monitor their blood pressure electronically at home to determine the effectiveness of antihypertensive medication and lifestyle changes and to follow up using telehealth. Which information will the nurse provide the client about telehealth visits?
  1. There is no charge for telehealth visits.
  2. It allows the nurse to see trends in the client’s blood pressure.
  3. It increases the number of emergency department visits.
  4. It is not as effective in treating conditions as in-office visits.

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