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The community health nurse is performing an admission assessment on a client with a substance use disorder. Which of the following questions is most appropriate for the nurse to use when interviewing the client about their substance use history?
  1. Why have you waited until now to seek treatment?
  2. What type of substances do you use and how often?
  3. Do you think you can follow through with the treatment plan?
  4. Why did you let yourself get addicted?
A nurse is speaking to a community group about the opioid epidemic. Which of the following statements about the epidemic is accurate?
  1. The epidemic started with increased availability of prescribed opioids.
  2. The epidemic started with increased availability of low-cost heroin from Mexico.
  3. Increased prescribing of opioids prompted the second wave of the epidemic.
  4. Illegally manufactured fentanyl generated the second wave of the epidemic.
The community health nurse is working with a group of sexual assault survivors. During a group discussion, the nurse offers each client 10 minutes to share their feelings with the group. This action by the nurse is consistent with which of the CDC’s principles of trauma-informed care?
  1. Cultural, historical, and gender issues
  2. Empowerment and choice
  3. Collaboration and mutuality
  4. Trustworthiness and transparency
The nurse is working with a group of clients that includes assault survivors. Which of the following actions by the nurse best reflects trauma-informed care?
  1. The nurse places a hand on the client’s shoulder to show support.
  2. The nurse provides instruction using medical terminology relevant to their experiences.
  3. The nurse introduces themself and explains what they will be doing during the session.
  4. The nurse remains standing and walks around the (seated) clients during the session.
The community health nurse is working with a group of teenagers as part of an after-school health promotion program. When working with this age group, which of the following risk factors should the nurse be aware of?
  1. Teenagers are more likely to be uninsured.
  2. Teenagers are less likely to be depressed.
  3. The risk of mental illness is the highest among this age group.
  4. The risk of suicidal ideations is the highest among this age group.
The nurse is working with a family that has a member who was just diagnosed with a mental illness. Another family member tells the nurse that he believes the client is “just being annoying and trying to get attention.” Which of the following best describes the family member’s statement?
  1. It reflects the public stigma around mental illness.
  2. It reflects the institutional stigma around mental illness.
  3. Since a close family member made the comment, it is a form of self-stigma.
  4. It is a discriminatory statement.
A community health nurse is aware that which members of the community are at highest risk of becoming victims of labor trafficking?
  1. Environmental services workers
  2. Hotel workers
  3. Food service workers
  4. Farmworkers
When nurses interact with clients with SUDs, which of the following terms/language would be best to avoid because it may promote stigmatization of SUDs?
  1. Maintaining recovery; substance-free
  2. Clean sample; dirty drug test
  3. Person with substance use disorder
  4. Negative test; positive test
Which of the following would alert the nurse that a client may be a victim of human trafficking?
  1. The client can show their driver’s license.
  2. The client gives a home address.
  3. The adult who brought the client does not want to leave them alone with the health care staff.
  4. The client states she is tired and hungry.
A nurse working in a refugee camp should consider which of the following when working with refugees in the camp?
  1. Refugees do not receive protection under international law.
  2. Refugees can return to their home country after fleeing and seeking asylum in another country.
  3. Their health is influenced by both camp conditions and their country of origin.
  4. Most refugee camps are built according to public health standards.

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