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correctional nursing
providing nursing care to clients within the criminal justice system, jails, prisons, juvenile detention centers, and substance-misuse treatment centers
a set of practices, such as adjustable desk heights and keyboards that more naturally fit the wrist’s contours, in workplaces that increase worker efficiency and productivity while reducing injuries and discomfort
individual health plan (IHP)
a plan used by schools that outlines what to do if a student has a medical event while at school; serves as an agreement between the school and the student, outlining the student’s needs and the plan to address them
industrial health nursing
the term used for occupational health nursing in the late 1800s and early 1900s
individuals who are involved with the criminal justice system in jails, prisons, juvenile detention centers, and substance misuse treatment centers
Nurse Practice Act
the state’s governing law that determines the scope of practice of nursing that school nurses must follow
occupational and environmental health nursing
a specialty practice focused on providing preventive health care, health promotion, and health restoration within the setting of a safe and healthy environment
public health nursing
the discipline of promoting and protecting a population’s health by synthesizing knowledge from nursing, social sciences, and public health sciences and applying it for social betterment
restricted housing
a type of detention that includes voluntary or involuntary removal from the general incarcerated population with placement into a locked cell or room for an extended period of time
root cause analysis (RCA)
a component of an incident investigation that is used to identify, evaluate, and correct the causes of accidents
school nursing
a nursing specialty with a focus on protecting and promoting student health by facilitating optimal development and promoting academic success
social betterment
the role of public health nursing in addressing the upstream determinants of health—the places where people live, work, learn, play, and worship
a regulatory requirement established by the agency that serves as criteria for evaluating whether employers are following OSHA laws (a.k.a. regulation)
Total Worker Health® (TWH)
policies, programs, and practices that focus on work-related safety and protection

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