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26.1 Maternal Health

Health promotion and disease prevention related to maternal health focuses on the well-being of the pregnant client during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, with an emphasis on prenatal care, commom complications and risk factors, strategies for the promotion of healthy pregnancies, and interventions to address health disparities and the population health nurse’s role in promoting self-care among pregnant people. Taking a holistic approach considers sociocultural and linguistic factors to best impact the health of the childbearing client and their infant.

26.2 Newborn, Infant, and Toddler Health

The early years of a child’s life are crucial for their development. Nurses must understand the risk factors, common health issues, educational needs for caregivers, and age-appropriate education for this population. Strategies to support optimal growth and development include immunizations, regular checkups, and nutritional guidance. Early intervention addresses potential health issues, promotes healthy behaviors in caregivers, and provides a foundation for lifelong well-being to increase the likelihood of children becoming productive and economically stable adults.

26.3 Preschool, School-Age, and Adolescent Health

Promoting health and preventing disease in children from preschool through adolescents is necessary for their lifelong well-being. Clients in this age group form habits and behaviors during this time frame that will impact their health for years. By fostering healthy habits and behaviors during these formative years, nurses can help establish a foundation of health for the rest of these children’s lives. Prevention strategies include immunization and education to empower this population to make informed decisions about every aspect of their health. Using health promotion and disease prevention, this age group can develop healthy lifestyles and reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases.

26.4 Adult Health

Through a focus on the top causes of death in adults, health promotion and disease prevention address both chronic, noncommunicable diseases and communicable diseases. Adult health topics include healthy habits, screenings, immunizations, the effects of diseases on vulnerable populations, and the impact of sociocultural and linguistic factors on health. These strategies can provide adults with the ability to best safeguard themselves, their communities, and their overall health.

26.5 Older Adult Health

As the older adult population continues to grow and many live independently, it is imperative that population health nurses implement health promotion and disease prevention interventions to address their health care needs. This includes establishing supportive environments, healthy communities, and social safety nets. Health promotion and disease prevention impact the well-being and quality of life for older adults. Older adults must stay informed about healthy lifestyle choices in conjunction with any disease processes and collaborate with nurses and other health care professionals to develop personalized plans for maintaining good health.


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