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A nurse prepares to draw blood from a seated older client while another nurse stand working nearby.
Figure 25.1 Learning how to provide culturally responsive care is an ongoing process for nurses, enabling them to customize care based on a broad understanding and sincere appreciation of the rich diversity of humanity. (credit: modification of work by Mike Kaplan/U.S. Air Force/Flickr, CC BY 2.0)

Sarah, a new nurse from a middle-class neighborhood, works at a public health department in a culturally diverse community. She conducts home visits as part of a maternal and child health program, providing women’s health services, hosting immunization clinics, and organizing community health fairs to promote preventive health measures. Though the community members Sarah works with come from cultural backgrounds different from her own, Sarah remains confident in her ability to provide clients with culturally responsive, high-quality care.

Health care is increasingly characterized by encounters between individuals from varied cultural backgrounds. Because nurses interact with clients, families, and colleagues with a rich tapestry of cultural beliefs, values, and practices, the need for nurses to manage cultural conflicts is paramount. Nurses foster an inclusive and respectful health care environment conducive to improved client outcomes. Cultivating cultural sensitivity and humility is an imperative for modern nursing practice.

This chapter provides guidance on effectively managing cultural conflicts. By understanding and implementing effective strategies, nurses can ensure that clients receive high-quality, client-centered care regardless of cultural differences. Building on prior chapters, this chapter highlights the significance of assessing personal biases and assumptions by participating in self-reflection and lifelong learning. The chapter will follow Sarah as she moves through the process of managing conflict to promote culturally responsive care for the clients in her community.


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