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22.1 What Is Transcultural Nursing?

Transcultural nursing involves providing client-centered care that is culturally competent and sensitive to individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. The practice of transcultural nursing is based on understanding culture’s influence on health care decisions, illness, and health. Transcultural nursing aims to promote culturally inclusive health care, enhance client engagement, and reduce health care disparities by incorporating the cultural beliefs, values, and practices of clients into the plan of care.

22.2 Cultural Models

Cultural models are frameworks or patterns of thinking and behavior shared among members of a particular cultural group. These models influence how individuals perceive and interpret the world, including their views on health, wellness, and health care. Nurses can use these models to effectively communicate, establish trust, and tailor interventions that align with clients’ cultural beliefs and values, ultimately improving client outcomes and satisfaction.

22.3 Cultural Assessment

Cultural assessment in nursing is the systematic process of gathering information about clients’ cultural beliefs, values, norms, and practices to better understand their health care needs. It involves exploring the client’s cultural background, language preferences, religious or spiritual beliefs, family dynamics, and health care practices to provide culturally competent care. Through cultural assessment, nurses can identify any cultural barriers or influences that may impact client care and develop individualized care plans that respect and accommodate the client’s cultural context, promoting better health outcomes and client satisfaction.


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