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accuracy standards
benchmarks that substantiate that program evaluation methods, data, and documentation are appropriate and contain accurate information
ability of a community program to achieve the desired outcome in real-life settings
maximum potential effect under ideal conditions
occurs when the effect of program interventions, or outputs, are greater than the resources, or inputs, used to provide the interventions
person or thing that makes implementation of program interventions and activities easier
feasibility standards
benchmarks involving the consideration of resources, which include money, time, and effort, that are available to conduct program evaluation
formative evaluation
an assessment that occurs during program development to confirm that program interventions are feasible and appropriate
impact evaluation
an assessment to determine the degree to which the community health program has achieved its primary goal
outcome evaluation
an assessment of the extent to which the program achieves its objectives within the target population and the effect the program has on the target populations’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors
plain language
communication that is visually appealing, logically organized, appropriate for the intended audience, and understandable at the first reading
process evaluation
an assessment focused on program implementation processes in order to determine if the program has been implemented as planned and in the most efficient way
program evaluation
ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, and use of data to examine program efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency to make decisions about current and future health programs
propriety standards
criteria used to confirm that program evaluation is fair and ethical
finding community members from the target population to participate in a community health program
continued participation in a community health program until completion
continuation of community health programs by decreasing dependence on one source of funding and shifting to a new funding stream because the program is valued, cost and resource efficient, effective, and supported by the community
utility standards
specifications for determining who needs evaluation information, what information is needed, the purpose of evaluation, and how the information will be used

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