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factors that influence health; can include events, characteristics, or other entities that change a health condition or the level of a health problem
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs)
estimates the number of healthy years lost across the population due to premature death and disability from a select condition
inequalities or differences
describes interventions that focus on the behavior of individuals to modify the risk of disease, prevent illness, or manage chronic conditions
general mortality
the number of deaths across a large population, such as a geographic region or country, reports of which include information about leading causes of death across the population and estimates of years of potential life lost when people die prematurely
global nursing
the use of evidence-based nursing processes to promote sustainable planetary health and equity for all people
health care continuum
the spectrum of health care services delivered in public health, acute care, ambulatory care, and long-term care settings
health care utilization
the extent to which a population accesses and uses different health care services
health inequities
avoidable inequalities related to health that stem from a form of injustice
infant mortality
the rate of infants who die before their first birthday
life expectancy
the average number of years a newborn is expected to live if current death rates remain constant
describes interventions that occur within a specific organization
morbidity rate
the prevalence or incidence of a specific health condition, disease, or diagnosis within the population
in a population health context, all possible results that may come from exposure to interventions aiming to prevent or treat a condition
a group of people that may receive care in various settings at the local, regional, national, and global levels
population health
an approach to supporting the health of people through research, data analysis, and health programming that considers the impact of public policy and environmental, social, behavioral, and other factors that might facilitate or hinder health for all
quality of life
indication of enjoyment and satisfaction people have, given their multidimensional experiences in health, relationships, activities, and life circumstances
risk factors
aspects of personal behaviors, lifestyle choices, exposures, or attributes that generally increase the likelihood or severity of acquiring a health condition
social determinants of health
conditions and social factors that affect outcomes and risk related to health, functioning, and quality of life
transitional care
efforts aimed at coordinating health care as clients receive services in various areas of the health care continuum
describes interventions that involve enacting policies that change regulations, increase access, or provide economic incentives to impact health across a population

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