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Review Questions

b. The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and protects the middle ear from infection.
c. Decongestants such as pseudoephedrine may be given to relieve ear congestion and pressure.
d. Decreasing sodium intake can help reduce distracting sounds.
d. The client with a hearing impairment needs the nurse to be patient and provide them with time to communicate.
c. The client should avoid touching the tip of the dropper or inside of the cap with the hand or to any surface to avoid contamination.
c. Pain and ear itching are signs that a superinfection may be present, in which case an ear swab will be needed to test for a superinfection.
c. Diarrhea can develop with antibiotic use and should be reported to the provider.
c. Decongestants are known to elevate serum glucose.
b. The nurse should examine the ear canal to determine if the cerumen (earwax) has been expelled.
a. Ménière’s disease is characterized by hearing loss, vertigo, increased sweating, nausea, and vomiting.

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