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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

The nurse teaches parents of school-age children that which structure protects the middle ear from infection?
  1. External auditory canal
  2. Eustachian tube
  3. Tympanic membrane
  4. Ossicles
The nurse is caring for a client who has an upper respiratory illness but is getting ready to travel by plane. Which medication should the nurse anticipate being prescribed to minimize ear-related problems during the flight?
  1. Diphenhydramine
  2. Amoxicillin
  3. Pseudoephedrine
  4. Carbamide peroxide
Which instruction should the nurse give to a client to reduce tinnitus?
  1. Take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
  2. Reduce background sound.
  3. Increase caffeine intake.
  4. Decrease sodium intake.
Which communication technique is most effective for the nurse to use when communicating with a client with hearing impairment?
  1. Look directly at the client and use a loud voice.
  2. Move on to the next topic if the client does not understand you.
  3. Instruct the client to read your lips.
  4. Avoid interrupting the client with a hearing impairment.
Which of the following is a proper technique regarding otic antibiotics?
  1. Warm the drops to above body temperature.
  2. Instill the ear drops while seated comfortably.
  3. Avoid touching the tip of the dropper to any surface.
  4. Store ear drops in the refrigerator.
Which assessment finding indicates to the nurse that a client receiving an otic antibiotic may have a resistant infection, also known as a superinfection?
  1. Low blood pressure and elevated heart rate
  2. Tearing eyes on the affected side
  3. Pain and ear itching
  4. Headache and nausea
Which adverse effect should the nurse caution the client taking amoxicillin-clavulanate to expect?
  1. The client could experience ototoxic side effects.
  2. The client should be careful when driving at night.
  3. The client could experience diarrhea.
  4. The client could develop hearing loss.
Which instruction should the nurse give to a client with diabetes who is taking a decongestant for relief from sinus and ear congestion caused by an upper respiratory infection?
  1. Increase daily insulin while taking the decongestant.
  2. Decrease daily insulin while taking the decongestant.
  3. Regularly check serum glucose while taking the decongestant.
  4. Taper the decongestant before stopping the medication.
Which action should the nurse take to evaluate the effectiveness of carbamide peroxide administered to a client’s ear?
  1. Take the client’s temperature.
  2. Examine the ear canal.
  3. Check the client’s hearing.
  4. Ask the client to rate their pain.
Which diagnosis does the nurse anticipate in the client who reports hearing loss, vertigo, nausea, and vomiting?
  1. Ménière’s disease
  2. Tinnitus
  3. Otitis externa
  4. Otitis media

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