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Review Questions

c. HIPAA set forth standards to protect sensitive health information from being disclosed without the consent or knowledge of the individual.
d. Beneficence is the ethical principle that requires a nurse to “do good” and to act in ways that promote the health and well-being of their clients.
c. Autonomy means having the right to make one’s own health care decisions.
a. Potential benefits of autonomy include improved outcomes, safety, decreased costs, improved self-confidence, and improved adherence to the care plan.
b. The nurse should own the duty of caring for self. This, in turn, will improve client safety when allowing oneself the self-care of time off.
c. An adverse drug reaction is an undesired effect that occurs at normal doses of the drug.
d. An adverse drug event is client harm resulting from exposure to a drug. This is injury from a medication, a missed medication, or an inappropriately dosed medication.
c. CPOE is the acronym for computerized prescriber order entry, also known as e-prescriber.
a. Alerts (both soft alerts and hard alerts) are there to improve client safety.
b. The correct order has a leading zero before the decimal point. A trailing zero should not be used.

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