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Review Questions

b. Medications can be used to decrease cholesterol levels but are not intended to increase triglyceride levels.
b. Alirocumab is a monoclonal antibody that is self-administered by the client.
d. Fenofibrate is indicated to treat hypertriglyceridemia. Fibrates stimulate lipoprotein lipase to break down triglycerides.
c. Flushing can be mitigated by taking an NSAID 30 minutes before taking niacin or by switching to an extended-release product.
b. The therapeutic effect of ezetimibe is that of lowering LDL-cholesterol via decreased cholesterol absorption.
c. Cholestyramine is a bile acid sequestrant available as a powder. It must be mixed with fluid prior to administration.
c. Rosuvastatin at a dose of 20–40 mg daily is considered a high-intensity statin medication.
a. Pravastatin is considered a hydrophilic statin. It can less easily enter the muscle, which may confer a lower risk of myalgia.
d. Ezetimibe is an appropriate combination therapy with statin medications. Gemfibrozil is contraindicated for use with rosuvastatin. Rosuvastatin does not need to be taken at bedtime because it has a long half-life.
a. This drug may cause severe myopathy, which can lead to rhabdomyolysis.

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