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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

A nurse is explaining a client’s lipid panel results. Which statement by the client indicates a need for further teaching?
  1. “LDL-cholesterol is ‘bad cholesterol.’”
  2. “Medications can be used to increase my triglyceride levels.”
  3. “HDL-cholesterol is ‘good cholesterol.’”
  4. “Medications can decrease my cholesterol levels.”
A nurse is explaining administration instructions for a client who is starting alirocumab, a PCSK9 inhibitor. Which statement will the nurse include in the instructions?
  1. It can be taken orally at bedtime.
  2. It is self-administered as a subcutaneous injection by the client.
  3. It is administered as a subcutaneous injection by a health care professional.
  4. It comes in a powder form that must be mixed with liquid before taking.
A client began treatment for severe hypertriglyceridemia and goes to the clinic for follow-up. Which medication does the nurse expect to find on the client’s home medication list?
  1. Ezetimibe
  2. Cholestyramine
  3. Colesevelam
  4. Fenofibrate
A client calls the nurse because they experienced intolerable flushing after taking over-the-counter niacin. Which intervention might the nurse recommend?
  1. Take flush-free niacin.
  2. Switch to immediate-release niacin.
  3. Take aspirin 30 minutes before taking niacin.
  4. Take niacin with an alcoholic beverage.
A nurse is evaluating a follow-up lipid panel in a client who recently began taking ezetimibe. Which of the following changes would the nurse expect to see?
  1. Decreased HDL-cholesterol level
  2. Decreased LDL-cholesterol level
  3. Increased triglyceride level
  4. Increased VLDL level
A nurse educator is training new nurses on the cardiac step-down unit about medications administered on the unit. Which statement indicates understanding of the drug cholestyramine?
  1. It can cause diarrhea as the major adverse effect.
  2. It should be taken in the morning when cholesterol synthesis is highest.
  3. It is available as an oral powder that must be mixed with fluid before taking.
  4. It works primarily to lower triglyceride levels in clients with hypertriglyceridemia.
A client is admitted to the cardiac unit after undergoing stent placement after an acute myocardial infarction. The provider states that the client will need high-intensity statin therapy. Which medication does the nurse expect to be ordered for the client?
  1. Simvastatin
  2. Pravastatin
  3. Rosuvastatin
  4. Fluvastatin
Which of the following statements is true about pravastatin?
  1. It is considered a hydrophilic statin, which means it may confer a lower risk of myalgia compared with other statins.
  2. The FDA has issued a statement that doses of 80 mg are no longer appropriate due to myalgia risk.
  3. It is metabolized by CYP3A4 and is subject to many drug interactions.
  4. It is considered a high-intensity statin.
A client with a past medical history of CAD has been taking rosuvastatin 40 mg orally daily for 1 month and has a follow-up LDL-cholesterol level of 135 mg/dL, which exceeds their goal LDL-cholesterol level of 70 mg/dL. Which would be an appropriate next step for the client?
  1. Add gemfibrozil for combination therapy.
  2. Change administration to bedtime rather than morning.
  3. Change to pravastatin 80 mg orally daily.
  4. Add ezetimibe for combination therapy.
A client is taking atorvastatin. Which severe adverse drug reaction should the client be monitored for?
  1. Rhabdomyolysis
  2. Stroke
  3. Severe constipation
  4. Myocardial infarction

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