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Case Study

b. The client is well above the recommended 4 grams/day dose based on the manufacturer’s recommendation for acetaminophen. Taking the drug every 4 hours equates to taking the drug six times/day
( 6 × 1000 mg = 6 grams/day ). Taking more than 4 grams of acetaminophen in 24 hours can cause acute liver problems. Educating the client about the importance of safe dosing guidelines can prevent future problems.
c. Visits to health care providers may be reduced when clients self-medicate, following the directions that come with the medication, for minor ailments.

Review Questions

d. Acetaminophen is the generic form of the drug Tylenol, and they have the same active ingredients. Either formulation would be acceptable.
b. Both drugs belong under Schedule II and are highly addictive.
b. Ibuprofen is the generic name for Motrin; Motrin is the brand or trade name for ibuprofen. The chemical name for ibuprofen is 2-(4-isobutylphenyl) propanoic acid.
a. Generic drugs have the same active ingredients but may have different inactive ingredients.
d. Decreased GI motility causes increased transit time in the gut, which increases the time for absorption of the drug. Toxicity may result.
c. Toxicity is the greatest concern in this older client who is also underweight. Therefore, this client may require a lower dose of the drug.
b. IP collaboration has many advantages, including decreased hospitalization costs, improved client safety, and improved communication regarding team goals.
a. The FDA is the regulatory agency tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that all drugs are safe and effective for all individuals across the lifespan.
b. Phase II incorporates a relatively small number of volunteers with the disease the drug is designed to treat.
b. The first action by the nurse should be to assess the client’s medication history and whether or not the client is taking the medications as prescribed. All other actions will be performed, but the assessment should be completed first.

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