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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

The parent of a school-age client asks the nurse, “What is the difference between acetaminophen and Tylenol? Acetaminophen is much cheaper than Tylenol at the pharmacy. Your instructions state that my child should take 160 mg of Tylenol every 6 hours for fever if needed.” What is the nurse’s best response?
  1. “Tylenol and acetaminophen are two different drugs with similar effects.”
  2. “Tylenol is a prescription medication, and acetaminophen is over-the-counter.”
  3. “Please speak with the health care provider about their preference.”
  4. “Since Tylenol and acetaminophen have the same active ingredients, either one is acceptable.”
A client admitted to the emergency department reports abuse of hydrocodone and oxycodone. To which schedule do these drugs belong?
  1. Schedule I
  2. Schedule II
  3. Schedule IV
  4. Schedule V
A client receives a prescription for ibuprofen and wants to know if they can take Motrin instead. Which response should the nurse give the client?
  1. “Yes, Motrin is the chemical name for ibuprofen.”
  2. “Yes, Motrin is the trade name for ibuprofen.”
  3. “Yes, ibuprofen is the brand name for Motrin.”
  4. “Yes, ibuprofen is the chemical name for Motrin.”
The nurse is providing discharge instructions about a client’s home medications. What response should the nurse give when the client asks about the difference between buying generic versus brand-name drugs?
  1. “Generic drugs have the same active ingredients as brand-name drugs.”
  2. “Generic drugs undergo more rigorous testing than brand-name drugs.”
  3. “Generic drugs are often more expensive than brand-name drugs.”
  4. “Generic drugs are the same as over-the-counter drugs. They are not prescription drugs.”
The nurse is preparing to administer a new medication to an older client. The nurse recognizes that drug absorption may be affected by which physiologic factor of aging?
  1. Increased enzymatic function
  2. Increased liver function
  3. Increased filtration of the kidneys
  4. Decreased gastrointestinal motility
The nurse is caring for a 93-year-old client weighing 92 pounds. What is the nurse’s priority concern when monitoring for adverse drug effects in this client?
  1. Diarrhea
  2. Constipation
  3. Toxicity
  4. Decreased absorption
The nurse is teaching a group of nursing students about the importance of interprofessional (IP) collaboration. What is an advantage of IP teamwork?
  1. Decreased need for research into the client’s disease process and treatment
  2. Improved client safety due to the use of each discipline’s area of expertise
  3. Increased cost of hospitalization due to the number of hospital workers involved
  4. Decreased responsibility because other team members are assisting with coordinating care
The nurse understands that a particular regulatory agency is responsible for ensuring that drugs are safe and effective. What is its name?
  1. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  2. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  4. Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP)
A nurse is involved in a study incorporating small numbers of volunteers with the disease the drug is designed to treat. In which phase of an investigational drug study is the nurse involved?
  1. Phase I
  2. Phase II
  3. Phase III
  4. Phase IV
A 79-year-old client with hypertension has been prescribed a medication to lower blood pressure. Which action should the nurse take first?
  1. Ensure the client understands the purpose of each drug, expected effects, and potential adverse effects.
  2. Take a complete drug history and verify compliance.
  3. Check the drugs for potential interactions because the client sees multiple providers.
  4. Inform the client of potential resources to assist them in remembering their medications.

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