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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

A young female client is discussing the various methods of contraception with the nurse. Which factor is most important for the nurse to consider in counseling the client?
  1. Client reports a history of migraine headaches.
  2. Client has an irregular menstrual cycle.
  3. The client’s sexual history.
  4. The cost of the contraceptive method.
A client in labor is receiving an oxytocin infusion. Which signs and symptoms are a priority for the nurse to assess further?
  1. Maternal heart rate of 102 beats/minute and blood pressure of 146/90 mm Hg
  2. Sudden onset of confusion and muscle cramps
  3. Client-reported headache of 4 out of 10 on the pain scale
  4. Urine output of 100 mL/hour
A 68-year-old male client comes to the emergency department with chest pain. Before administering the ordered sublingual nitroglycerin, which question is most important for the nurse to ask the client?
  1. “How long have you had the chest pain?”
  2. “Do you have a history of cardiac problems?”
  3. “When did you last eat or drink anything?”
  4. “Do you take any medications for erectile dysfunction?”
An 11-year-old client is undergoing hormone therapy with testosterone for hypogonadism. Which assessment is most important for the nurse to monitor?
  1. Results of radiographic images of the long bones every 6 months
  2. Serum hemoglobin and hematocrit monthly
  3. Serum electrolytes weekly
  4. Blood pressure and electrocardiogram weekly
The nurse is caring for a client in labor who will be receiving an MgSO4 infusion for eclampsia. Which provider’s order is most important to implement?
  1. Continuous cardiac monitoring
  2. Hourly urine output
  3. Nothing by mouth (NPO)
  4. Oxygen saturation monitoring
A male high school student who plays on the football team has been referred to the school nurse. He reports feeling anxious and irritable, and his stomach bothers him most of the time. He tells the nurse, “I never had acne problems, but now it’s terrible. And my hair is falling out.” What question by the nurse would be most appropriate?
  1. “Do you have a family history of depression or anxiety?”
  2. “Are you eating a lot of greasy or spicy foods?”
  3. “Are you taking anything to help you build up your muscle strength?”
  4. “How many hours of sleep are you getting each night?”
A postmenopausal female is at high risk for developing osteoporosis. Her provider has prescribed alendronate. Which statement by the client indicates a need for further teaching by the nurse?
  1. “I need to sit or stand for 30 minutes after taking the medication.”
  2. “I should drink a full glass of water with the medication.”
  3. “Walking 30 minutes a day can help prevent my bones from becoming weak.”
  4. “I can go ahead and have a tooth that is bothering me pulled.”
A 45-year-old client with prostate cancer is undergoing treatment with bicalutamide. Which problem is a priority for the nurse to address?
  1. Risk for injury: impaired liver function
  2. Disturbed body image
  3. Chronic pain
  4. Risk for imbalanced nutrition
A postmenopausal client is taking a bisphosphonate medication. Which diagnostic testing for this client does the nurse expect to be a priority?
  1. Electrocardiogram and stress testing
  2. Bone density
  3. Venous ultrasound
  4. Upper endoscopy
A client with a chronic illness is taking an anabolic steroid. Which condition indicates the drug is having a therapeutic effect?
  1. Increased hemoglobin
  2. Hirsutism
  3. Worsening acne
  4. Alopecia

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