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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

A client is diagnosed with a hypothalamic disorder affecting the production of vasopressin. Which of the following manifestations is the nurse least likely to assess in this client?
  1. Hypoglycemia
  2. Polydipsia
  3. Polyphagia
  4. Polyuria
A client is prescribed a drug that inhibits the action of CRH. After administration of this drug, what should the nurse monitor?
  1. TSH
  2. Cortisol
  3. Estrogen
  4. Testosterone
A client is prescribed octreotide 150 mcg subcutaneously daily in three divided doses. The available drug comes in a concentration of 100 mcg/mL. How many milliliters should the nurse administer for each dose?
  1. 0.5 mL
  2. 1.0 mL
  3. 1.5 mL
  4. 2.0 mL
A client with adrenal insufficiency is prescribed hydrocortisone. Which action should the nurse take to detect potential adverse effects of this drug?
  1. Monitor for hypoglycemia and hypertension
  2. Assess for hyperglycemia and hypertension
  3. Check for hypoglycemia and weight loss
  4. Assess for weight loss and hypertension
A nurse is caring for a client with acromegaly. Which explanation of this disorder will the nurse give to the client?
  1. “Excess growth hormone causes increased bone density.”
  2. “Increased growth hormone results in decreased insulin resistance.”
  3. “Elevated growth hormone leads to increased muscle mass and strength.”
  4. “Too much growth hormone causes abnormal growth of bones and soft tissues.”
A client is prescribed fludrocortisone. Which findings indicate to the nurse that the client is having adverse effects from this medication?
  1. Hypokalemia and hypertension
  2. Hypoglycemia and hypertension
  3. Hypokalemia and hypotension
  4. Hyperglycemia and hypotension
A client requires 120 mg of methylprednisolone. The available medication comes in a 125 mg/2 mL vial. How many milliliters should the nurse administer if rounded to the nearest tenth?
  1. 1.9 mL
  2. 1.8 mL
  3. 2.0 mL
  4. 2.1 mL
A client is being discharged on a glucocorticosteroid drug for a flare-up of rheumatoid arthritis. Which instruction should the nurse give to the client?
  1. Stop the medication when symptoms subside.
  2. Taper the medication as directed.
  3. Take the medication, as needed, for joint pain.
  4. Increase the dose each day until pain is relieved.
A client with Parkinson’s disease has an order for bromocriptine. Which assessment finding would cause the nurse to not administer the drug and notify the provider?
  1. Hypervigilance
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Heart rate 90 beats/minute
  4. Blood pressure 196/108 mm Hg
A client presents with hyperaldosteronism. What assessment findings should the nurse expect?
  1. Decreased blood pressure, increased potassium levels
  2. Increased blood pressure, decreased potassium levels
  3. Increased blood pressure, increased potassium levels
  4. Decreased blood pressure, decreased potassium levels

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