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drugs used to treat symptoms of allergies
drugs used to relieve nonproductive coughs
cystic fibrosis
a genetic condition that causes mucus to be sticky and thick, leading to blockages, damage, and infections
drugs used to relieve nasal congestion caused by respiratory disorders
drugs that help to clear mucus from the airway
chemicals in body cells that are responsible for many of the symptoms of allergies
Mallory-Weis tears
lacerations in the esophagus or stomach that occur from prolonged vomiting or coughing; often seen in clients with alcohol misuse
a potent central nervous system stimulant mainly used as a recreational drug
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
a class of drugs often used to treat depression and panic disorder
drugs that help to clear mucus from the upper and lower airways of the respiratory system
a type of receptor in the body that mediates parasympathetic effects such as slow heart rate and increased activity of smooth muscle tissue
rebound congestion
constant nasal congestion resulting from overuse of nasal decongestants
raised itchy rash that appears on the skin

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