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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

What are the components of cardiac output?
  1. Blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance
  2. Heart rate and systemic vascular resistance
  3. Circulatory function and respiratory rate
  4. Heart rate and stroke volume
A client is being prescribed lisinopril at discharge from the hospital by the health care provider. The discharge instructions by the nurse should include that lisinopril acts by doing which of the following?
  1. Inhibits beta 1 and beta 2
  2. Inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme
  3. Prevents the release of angiotensin
  4. Blocks angiotensin II from activating angiotensin receptors
A client has been prescribed lisinopril 7.5 mg twice daily. The tablets are 2.5 mg. How many tablets should the client take per dose?
  1. 1 tablet
  2. 2 tablets
  3. 3 tablets
  4. 4 tablets
A client with heart failure who had been taking valsartan recently had the medication switched to sacubitril/valsartan. The client understands how valsartan works but is confused about sacubitril. The nurse explains that sacubitril:
  1. Lowers heart rate to allow for more oxygen to get to the heart muscle tissue
  2. Inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme, which lowers blood pressure
  3. Helps BNP stay in the system longer, which lowers blood pressure
  4. Causes nitric oxide to be released in smooth muscles, which lowers blood pressure
A client is taking valsartan, carvedilol, and spironolactone daily. What monitoring should the nurse educate the client about to ensure safe medication administration?
  1. Electrolytes, because two of the medications cause an elevation in potassium
  2. Electrolytes, because two of the medications cause a decrease in potassium
  3. Glucose, because the combination of medications can lower blood glucose
  4. Uric acid, because the combination of medications can increase uric acid
A client with heart failure had a new medication added to their regimen, dapagliflozin. The nurse recognizes that this medication is effective through which mechanism?
  1. Inhibiting alpha receptors in the arteries
  2. Enhancing the release of BNP
  3. Inhibiting sodium and glucose reabsorption
  4. Enhancing beta-1 receptors in the heart
A client with heart failure has been prescribed furosemide 60 mg every morning. The tablets come in 40 mg. How many tablets should the client take each morning?
  1. ½ tablet
  2. 1 tablet
  3. 1½ tablets
  4. 2 tablets
A Black client with heart failure has recently had their medication regimen changed to the combination medication hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate. What education does the nurse provide the client?
  1. This medication regimen will increase afterload.
  2. These two medications increase systemic vascular resistance.
  3. Hydralazine/isosorbide dinitrate works better than other heart failure medications for Black clients.
  4. This medication combination will cause better diuresis.
The nurse is caring for a client with heart failure who takes digoxin. Which assessment finding should the nurse report to the health care provider prior to administering the drug?
  1. Blood pressure 124/78 mm Hg
  2. Respiratory rate 16 breaths/minute
  3. Temperature 98.2°F
  4. Heart rate 54 beats/minute
A nurse is providing education to a client who has a new prescription for ivabradine. The nurse knows the client has understood the instructions when the client makes which statement?
  1. “I will stop eating green, leafy vegetables.”
  2. “I will stop drinking grapefruit juice.”
  3. “I will take my blood pressure right before I take this medication.”
  4. “I will take this medication right before I go to bed.”

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