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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

A client has a blood pressure of 148/96 mm Hg. According to the American Heart Association Guidelines, how should the nurse classify this blood pressure?
  1. Normal
  2. Elevated
  3. Hypertension stage 1
  4. Hypertension stage 2
A home health nurse is monitoring a client who has a history of hypertension and is taking benazepril. Which outcome indicates a therapeutic effect of the medication?
  1. Heart rate of 96 beats/minute
  2. Blood pressure of 126/76 mm Hg
  3. Potassium level of 5.1 mEq/dl
  4. Dry cough and fatigue
A nurse is reviewing the health history of a client with hypertension and coronary artery disease. The health care provider is considering a beta-adrenergic blocker, nadolol, for the client. Which condition in the client’s health history should the nurse report to the health care provider as a contraindication for nadolol?
  1. Asthma
  2. Hypertension
  3. Tachycardia
  4. Myocardial infarction
The health care provider’s order is for metoprolol 0.1 g orally daily. The tablets are available in 50 mg. How many tablets should the nurse administer?
  1. 1 tablet
  2. 2 tablets
  3. 4 tablets
  4. 5 tablets
A client with newly diagnosed stable angina is prescribed transdermal nitroglycerin. Which instruction should the nurse include in client teaching?
  1. Apply to the same area of the body every day.
  2. Apply a new patch at the onset of chest pain.
  3. Apply a new patch after showering while skin is still moist.
  4. Apply the patch for 12–14 hours and then remove for 10–12 hours.
A nurse is providing education to a client who has a new prescription for verapamil. The nurse should instruct the client to avoid which beverage when taking verapamil?
  1. Milk
  2. Coffee
  3. Tomato juice
  4. Grapefruit juice
A nurse is teaching a client with newly diagnosed hypertension about a prescription for hydrochlorothiazide. Which instruction should the nurse include in the client teaching?
  1. Take this medication at bedtime.
  2. Monitor for leg cramps.
  3. Avoid citrus juices.
  4. Reduce your intake of potassium-rich foods.
The nurse is to administer carvedilol 6.25 mg orally twice daily. The tablets available contain 3.125 mg. How many tablets will the client receive per dose?
  1. 1 tablet
  2. 2 tablets
  3. 3 tablets
  4. 4 tablets
A client is being prescribed losartan at discharge from the hospital by the health care provider. The discharge instructions by the nurse should include what information about how losartan acts?
  1. It inhibits beta 1 and beta 2.
  2. It inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme.
  3. It prevents the release of angiotensin.
  4. It blocks angiotensin II from angiotensin I receptors.
A nurse is preparing to administer carvedilol to a client with hypertension. Which assessment finding should the nurse report to the health care provider before administering the drug?
  1. Apical heart rate 56 beats/minute
  2. Blood pressure 114/74 mm Hg
  3. Temperature 98.6°F
  4. Respiratory rate 18 breaths/minute

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