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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

The nurse is teaching a client receiving a tricyclic antidepressant. Which of the following symptoms related to its anticholinergic effects could the client experience?
  1. Increased appetite, diarrhea, and glaucoma
  2. Xerostomia, constipation, and urinary retention
  3. Excessive salivation, tachycardia, and urinary incontinence
  4. Nightmares, increased libido, and blurred vision
A client with bipolar disorder has a subtherapeutic lithium level. What will the nurse expect to assess in this client?
  1. A decrease in impulsivity and hyperactivity
  2. Rapid, pressured speech along with interrupting others
  3. Sleeping 6–8 consecutive hours per night
  4. Ability to sit down and eat a well-balanced meal
Which of the following observations indicates that lisdexamfetamine has been effective for a 10-year-old diagnosed with ADHD?
  1. The child received two notes from their school due to inappropriate behavior.
  2. The child sleeps 8 hours per night and still falls asleep during the day.
  3. The child is able to sit and play a game for 30 minutes with a friend.
  4. The child has difficulty following verbal instructions from the teacher.
A client has been taking fluoxetine for 2 weeks. They tell the nurse they do not think the medication is working because they still feel depressed. What is the nurse’s best response?
  1. “This may not be the best medication for you. Let me call the provider to get something different.”
  2. “You might still be depressed, but you look and sound a lot better.”
  3. “This drug takes about 4–6 weeks before you may see full therapeutic effects.”
  4. “I will call the provider and ask if the dosage can be increased.”
Which adverse effect should the nurse assess for in a client who is taking haloperidol?
  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Tremors
  3. Weight loss
  4. Hypertension
The nurse has completed medication education for a client prior to their receiving phenelzine. The nurse evaluates the education as effective when the client makes which statement?
  1. “Eating seafood could cause my blood pressure to become very low.”
  2. “Instead of white bread, I should use whole wheat.”
  3. “I guess I cannot have steak and eggs anymore.”
  4. “I should use almond milk instead of whole milk and need to avoid aged cheeses.”
A hospitalized client was discharged on clozapine. The client is concerned about the potential significant adverse effects. Instructions on the REMS program were explained. To avoid difficulty with obtaining access immediately after discharge, what would the nurse expect from the inpatient pharmacy to ensure consistency?
  1. A 3-day supply will be provided to the client to allow time for them to fill their prescription from their pharmacy.
  2. A maximum of a 7-day supply of this medication will be provided upon client discharge.
  3. Inpatient pharmacies will dispense a day’s supply of clozapine that aligns with the client’s monitoring frequency.
  4. The inpatient pharmacist will call the client’s outside pharmacy to ensure they fill the prescription immediately.
Which antidepressant would be the best choice for a client experiencing sexual dysfunction from a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)?
  1. Fluoxetine
  2. Venlafaxine
  3. Bupropion
  4. Phenelzine
Zolpidem is the most appropriate choice for clients with which condition?
  1. Increased sleep latency and maintaining sleep
  2. Difficulty initiating sleep and early morning awakenings
  3. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and respiratory problems
  4. Maintaining sleep during the night due to anxiety and depression
A 10-year-old child is receiving methylphenidate. The parent tells the nurse the child will not sleep while on the medication. What is the best response?
  1. “Do not give the medication after 6 p.m.”
  2. “You can give 25 mg diphenhydramine at bedtime.”
  3. “Cut the bedtime dose in half so that it will not interfere with sleep.”
  4. “This is a serious adverse reaction. We will need to contact the provider.”

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